萬佛城金剛菩提海 Vajra Bodhi Sea


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The Sixth Anniversary Ceremony of the Venerable Master Hua’s Entering Nirvana:
The Development of City of Ten Thousand Buddhas

At the outdoor Buddha Hall on Saturday evening, June 30, 2001




坐一千人的這個齋堂這都是小工程,我們最近要做一個「華嚴正法堂。」這華嚴正法堂面積是大約200呎 ×220呎,統統總起來是四萬多呎,準備坐得一萬人這麼一個大法堂。說我們現在沒有這麼多人;你等有這麼多人時再做,就來不及了。我們現在準備萬佛城將來有萬人聽法,萬人修行,所以在這,一切一切都要盡量發展。說法師你這麼發展,要經費呀,這經費又是不是要向我們這些居士化緣?


BHIKSHUNI HENG GWEI: ...The following is an excerpt from the Venerable Master's tapes, 1980:

The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is the fountainhead of the world's Buddhism, as well as being the final refuge of the world's Buddhism. What does this mean? This is spoken in the Flower Adornment Sutra:

Nothing does not flow forth from this Dharma Realm
Nothing does not return to this Dharma Realm.
A single root subdivides into ten thousand branches.
Ten thousand branches return to a single root.

The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is a place for all Buddhists in the world, as well as all religious people, including Christians, Jews, Muslims, and followers of every religion. We will not turn away the adherents of any religion who come here, nor will we chase after anyone who leaves. Anyone who wants to come may come, and anyone who wants to leave may leave. Why is this place called the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas? "Ten Thousand" symbolizes a lot - a large number. We are not afraid of there being a large number of people here. Are we afraid of there being a small number? No. That's why it's said,

A single root subdivides into ten thousand branches.
Ten thousand branches return to a single root.

Recently, since our dining hall has a seating capacity of 500, it is too small when we have a lot of people. Therefore, we are now preparing to build a dining hall that will hold 1000 people. Our original dining hall could seat 500, and the Medicine Master Hall could seat 500, for a total of 1000. Now, with the new addition, we'll be able to seat 2000 people. More and more people are coming to CTTB, and in the future there won't be enough space. That's why, although the space is adequate for the time being, we are planning for the future. We cannot fail to expand and develop it, so we are going to build this dining hall. This dining hall for 1000 people is still a small project. We are now planning to build a Flower Adornment Proper Dharma Hall. The area of the hall will be 200 feet by 220 feet, a total of over 40,000 square feet. It will seat 10,000 people and will be a great Dharma Hall.

You say, "We don't have that many people right now." If you wait till there are that many people to start building, it will be too late. We are now preparing for the time when there will be 10,000 people listening to the Dharma and cultivating at CTTB. That's why we must develop and expand quickly.

"Dharma Master, such expansion takes money. You're not going to ask for donations from us laypeople, are you?" Don't worry. I never ask for donations. I do whatever I say I'll do, but I never solicit contributions. Don't be afraid that you'll be stuck with the debts.

One of CTTB's projects is to build the Flower Adornment Hall of Proper Dharma, which will be huge. Other projects are to build a jeweled pagoda, a Jeweled Hall of Great Heroes, and a pool for liberating life. There are endless projects. CTTB is blazing new trails. Each day there are more projects. If you are not afraid to create merit and virtue, then you may stay and support the Way Place. If you are afraid, then you'd better leave right away!


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea