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大智度論摘譯 卷第四 尸毗王(續)
Excerpts from Roll Four of The Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom
Roll Four: The King Sibi Jataka (continued)

*龍樹菩薩 著 Written by Bodhisattva Nāgārjuna
*姚秦三藏法師 鳩摩羅什中譯 Translated into Chinese by Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva of the Yaoqin dynasty
*法友 英譯 Translated into English by Dharmamitra
English translation © 1996 Dharmamitra.All rights reserved.Reprinted with permission of Kalavinka.

是時鷹在近樹上。語尸毘  王。還與我鴿此我所受。
王時語鷹。我前受此非是  汝受。我初發意時。受此一切  眾生皆欲度之。     

鷹言。王欲度一切眾生。  我非一切耶。何以獨不見愍。  而奪我今日食?     

王答言。汝須何食。我作 誓願其有眾生。來歸我者必救 護之。汝須何食亦當相給。     


王念言。如此難得。自非殺生無由得也。我當云何殺一  與一。思惟心定即自說偈:


      如是思惟已。呼人持刀自  割股肉與鷹。鷹語王言。王雖 以熱肉與我。當用道理令肉輕重得與鴿等。勿見欺也。     

王言持稱來。以肉對鴿。  鴿身轉重王肉轉輕。王令人割  二股亦輕不足。次割兩〔跳-兆  +專〕兩髖兩乳項脊。舉身肉盡。鴿身猶重。王肉故輕。   





At this time the falcon was in a nearby tree. It said to King Śibi, "Give me back my pigeon. It belongs to me."     

The King said to the falcon, "I took it in first. It's not the case that it belongs to you. When I first brought forth the resolve [to realize Buddhahood], I [vowed to] take in all of these beings and wish to deliver them all."

The falcon said, "The king desires to bring deliverance to all beings. Isn't it the case that I'm included in all? How is it that I alone do not experience your pity so that you then take away my meal for today?"   

The king replied, "What food do you require? I have made a vow that any being that comes and takes refuge with me, I shall certainly rescue and protect it. Whatever food you require shall also be provided to you."   

The falcon said, "I require freshly-killed warm flesh."   

The king thought to himself, "It's difficult to obtain something like this. Unless one kills a being oneself there is no source from which to obtain it. How could I kill one and give it to another? After thinking like this his mind became fixed and he then spoke a verse to himself:  

This, the flesh of this body of mine
Ever belongs to ageing, sickness and death.
Before long it shall grow foul and rot.
He requires it. [Therefore] I shall give it.

After he had thought like this he called a person to bring a knife and then he cut flesh from his own thigh and gave it to the falcon. The falcon said to the king, "Although the king has given me warm flesh, he should be principled in doing so, thereby making sure that the weight of the flesh is equal to that of the pigeon. Don't countenance cheating!"

The king said, "Bring some scales and balance this flesh against the pigeon.The pigeon became heavier and the king's flesh became lighter. The king ordered someone to carve the flesh from the other thigh but it was still too light and [hence] not sufficient. Then they successively carved the flesh [extending down to] his two feet, up to his two hips, from both sides of his chest, from his neck and from along his spine. All of the flesh from his entire body was gone. The body of the pigeon was still heavier. Just as before the flesh of the king was lighter.  

At this time the close officials and near relatives set up a curtain and sent away everyone who was watching, [saying], "With the King in his present state, no one could bear to look upon him. King Śibi said, "Don't block off the people. Allow them to enter and see." He then spoke a verse:

The gods, men and asuras
All [may] come and look at me.
[With] the great mind and unsurpassed determination
Thereby one seeks the realization of the Buddha Way.

If one seeks the way of the Buddha
He should endure this great suffering.
If one is unable to make his mind solid
Then he will lose his determination.

To be continued



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