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A Collection of the Venerable Master's Rules: No One May Casually Give Rides to Left-home People

*宣公上人開示 Talks by the Venerable Master Hua
*沙彌尼親毅 英譯 English translation by Shramanerika Chin Yi

  ……出家的不論男女眾都要隨眾,除了有公事之外不可以隨便。因為以前有個女人,想法子進到萬佛城來用種種手段,和萬佛城裡邊出家、在家的女人連絡感情,常常偷偷用車接城裡邊的出家人、在家人跑到外邊去買來西,也不經過office(辦公室)。現在無論哪一個在家人,不可以隨便車萬佛城的在家人和出家人跑到外邊去,也不經過office,不守萬佛城的規則;要是發現有這樣的人,連開車的人、 坐車的人,都要趕出萬佛城:萬佛城不允許有這樣不良的份子在裡邊。


Every left-home person, whether male or female, should follow the schedule of the assembly. Unless you are on temple business, you may not casually go out. Before, there was a woman who employed various schemes to establish liaisons with the nuns and lay women at the City after she came here. She would drive the left-home and lay people to go shopping outside the City in secret, without informing the Office. For that reason, no lay person may casually give rides to residents of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. You may not violate the rules and go out without informing the Office. If I find out anyone doing this, both the driver and the passengers will be expelled from the City. I will not allow such unruly people to live here.   

Furthermore, lay people should not gossip all day long, talking about this or talking about that. That is impermissible. This is one of the rules of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. I will not allow that kind of woman to live in the City. It is also against the rules for residents of the City to secretly drive people out shopping. If you do that, you will not be allowed to live in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas!


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