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【 佛祖道影白話解 】


Patriarchs of the Seventy-fourth Generation:
Dhyana Master Liaotang Dingche (continued)

宣公上人講於一九八五年九月十二日 Lectured by the Venerable Master Hua on September 12, 1985
比丘尼恆音英譯 English translation by Bhikshuni Heng Yin



    「曹溪一脈,弱如懸絲」:祖祖相傳這個命脈,就好像一條頭髮懸著那麼危險。    「獨發契用,是法住持」:他自己對祖祖相傳這個法門契合了,所以這就是一個正法住持。    



「是韓氏子,為幹蠱兒」:顶徹禪師,就是韓昌黎韓氏的後代,他沒幹過什麼好事。「幹蠱」就是放蠱的,就是作怪。作什麼怪呢?就是大弘佛法。這句話是禪宗的一個欲褒先貶,貶中寓褒  ,說他不好正是形容他好。


韓愈闢佛孫歸佛 不知你活是我活。
道源大膽收子孽 鼎徹小心贖祖過。
古今多少奇怪事 中外難窮邪辟說。
雷音轟動三千界 石鼓喚醒一群魔。

        「韓愈闢佛孫歸佛」:這說韓愈  當時是闢佛,想不到他五十三世的孫  子竟作了和尚了。       

「不知你活是我活」:你說,如  果韓愈在,不知道現在應該作什麼感  想?那麼我現在活著,我也不相信你  這個祖宗在那兒闢佛,我去皈依佛了  。那麼這個不知道是你活著呢,是我  活著呢,這說他孫子他這麼說。

       「道源大膽收子孽」:這個道源  和尚很大的膽,把以前辟佛的這個後  世的子孫,造罪業的子孫,他都收作  徒弟了。

         「鼎徹小心贖祖過」:這位鼎徹    禪師他很小心,很懺悔地,所謂戰戰    兢兢如臨深淵,如履薄冰。他知道祖    上有過了,現在他要好好幹,要好好    作佛的一個好弟子,好贖他祖上的這    種過錯。

         「古今多少奇怪事」:你看!他    祖宗闢佛,他就作和尚,這很奇怪的

        「中外難窮邪辟說」:(編按:錄    音帶缺失,此句註解由當時在場的陳    果傑居士之筆記本中錄出:中國和外    國這類人不知有多少,尤其那些一知    半解,似懂非懂的人,就人云亦云也    造些邪知邪見,造一些個邪說。)

       「中外難窮邪辟說」:算不過來    那麼多。

        「雷音轟動三千界」:這一位法    師的法音,轟動三千大千世界。

        「石鼓喚醒一群魔」:這個石頭    的鼓一打,把那一群魔也都給驚醒了    ;都是魔作一些個魔夢,給叫醒了。



A verse in praise says:

The pulse of Cao Creek—
A tenuous thread.
He alone tallied with it—
Dwelt in the Dharma and maintained it.
Thunder rumbles;
A stone drum does not have a stretched hide.
This descendant of the Han family
Was a mischief maker.

The pulse of Cao Creek—the life-pulse which is passed from Patriarch to Patriarch, is but a tenuous thread. It is so fragile, as if suspended by a hair.     

He alone tallied with it—He himself tallied with this Dharma that is transmitted from one Patriarch to the next; thus he dwelt in the Proper Dharma and maintained it.     

Thunder rumbles. His reputation resembled thunder; shaking up the entire nation.     

A stone drum does not have a stretched hide. You can make a sound by striking stone, but the stone does not have a hide stretched across it. It is a stone drum.     

This descendant of the Han family / Was a mischief maker. Dhyana Master Dingche was a descendant of Han Changli. He had no worthy achievements. Instead, he made mischief. What kind of mischief did he make? He propagated the Buddhadharma on a vast scale. This is a characteristic way of speaking in the Chan School, of criticizing with the intent of praising, of praise hidden within criticism. In criticizing him, one actually lauds him.  

Another verse says:

Han Yu disputed the Buddha,
Yet his descendant returned to the Buddha.
"I don't know whether you're alive or I'm alive."
Daoyuan boldly accepted the offspring of a heretic.
Dingche carefully atoned for his ancestor's offense.
How numerous are the peculiar events throughout history;
Countless the deviant theories throughout the world.
Thunder rumbles throughout the trichiliocosm.
The stone drum awakens the demon hordes.


Han Yu disputed the Buddha / Yet his descendant returned to the Buddha. Han Yu had tried to expose Buddhism as fallacious at the time, but he never imagined that his descendant fifty-three generations down the line would actually become a monk.   

 "I don't know whether you're alive or I'm alive." If Han Yu were still here, how do you think he'd feel? "I am still alive," says Master Dingche, "and I'm taking refuge in the Buddha. I'm not going along with your discrediting of the Buddha." "I don't know whether you're alive or I'm alive." This is what Han Yu's descendant might say.

Daoyuan boldly accepted the offspring of a heretic. Venerable Daoyuan was quite brave, for he accepted as his disciple the descendant of an offender—someone who had discredited the Buddha.

Dingche carefully atoned for his ancestor's offense. Dhyana Master Dingche was very prudent and repentant, as if walking on the edge of a cliff or on thin ice. Knowing of his ancestor's offense, he knew he had to do a good job and be a good disciple of the Buddha to atone for his ancestor's transgression.

How numerous are the peculiar events throughout history. Take a look! His ancestor had discredited the Buddha, and now he was a monk! Strange, indeed!

Countless the deviant theories throughout the world. [Note: The taped lecture is lost, so this line of commentary is taken from the notes of Upasika Chen Guo Jie: It's not known how many people there are in China and other countries, who seem to understand what they are doing but really don't, and who unthinkingly parrot misguided theories.] Their number cannot be reckoned.

Thunder rumbles throughout the trichiliocosm. This Dhyana Master's sound of Dharma shakes up the entire universe of a billion worlds.

The stone drum awakens the demon hordes. The beating of the stone drum instantly awakens the demon hordes. They are startled awake from their demon dreams.

(The End)


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