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A Response in Reciting Buddha's Name: Amitabha? Alaska?

比丘尼恆教師 講於萬佛聖城大殿 2001年5月22日 星期二晚
Spoken by Bhikshuni Heng Jiao Shi on the evening of Tuesday, May 22, 2001 at the Buddha Hall of the City of 10,000 Buddhas






Tonight, I would like to share my experience about a response  I had in reciting the Buddha's name
One day, I went out with my Dharma brother to pick someone  up from the airport. Usually the people we pick up arrive on  United Airlines. So, I was sure that today was the same, and I  went out without checking.

As we approached the airport area, we saw signs for international and domestic flights and the way to various  airlines' terminals. My Dharma brothers in the car asked me,  "Which airline are we looking for?" I replied without thinking, "United Airlines."     

I am used to reciting the Great Compassion Mantra in the  car. On that day, after I finished reciting the mantra, I had a  strong impulse to recite Amitabha Buddha's name. So I kept  reciting Amitabha's name all the way. But right before we  reached the terminal, I suddenly realized that I was reciting  "Alaska, Alaska" instead of "Amitabha, Amitabha." I felt very  bad. My first thought was that my rebirth would not be a good  one. Then I reflected that although I was not vigorous in reciting  Amitabha's name, I shouldn't have changed to reciting "Alaska" without even knowing it!

Fortunately, I had a second thought very soon, and that  thought told me that it was Alaska Airlines and not United  Airlines that I needed to go to. So we were lucky enough to  meet the passengers at the right airline terminal. Amitabha!


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