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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in Water and Mirrors

In Memory of the Elder Layman Li Bing-Nan, Honorary Chancellor of Dharma Realm Buddhist University

紀念法界佛教大學名譽校長李炳南老居士 By the Venerable Master on May 9, 1986
上人講於一九八六年五月九日 English translation by staff


*Li Bing-nan's letter accepting the appointment as Honorary Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Dharma Realm Buddhist University.


這位老資格原籍山東,年幼時讀過很多書,心地善良,深得孔門心法,懂得如何做正人君子,如何幫助社會。年長時把儒學放下學佛法,親近護持法門的大德高僧如印光大師、太虛大師及虛雲老和尚。他研究、讀誦、受持、書寫及講解經典,身體力行佛教的道理,躬行實踐,實實在在地去做,以他儒教文學的基礎,發揮佛教的奧義。他所說的道理很實在,字字都和佛教的道理相契合,為正信之優婆塞,後隨孔德成先生至臺灣,專攻《華嚴經》及修淨土法門使佛教發揚光大,教化造就很多大專學子,興辦佛教蓮社醫院、學校、圖書館 等慈善事業。不遺餘力。



疾風硬燭 烈火精金
百煉不銷 金剛法身
清風明月 不染纖塵
遊戲三昧 如是云云







以身作則化群生 老實念佛九品登
闡揚華嚴法界理 開掘慧礦佛性明
信願持名歸淨土 勸修妙法入蓮城
九七時至生安養 菩薩眷屬日日增












The elder layman Bing-Nan was a native of the city of Jinan, Shandong  Province. From his youth he was coached in the Confucian tradition, and  gained a deep understanding of the Mind-Dharma of the Confucian  teachings. As he was growing up, he studied Buddhism. He drew near to  and supported the "dragons and elephants" within the door of Dharma,  such as the greatly virtuous Masters Yin Guang, Tai Hsu, Hsu Yun, and so  forth. The layman investigated, read and recited, received and upheld, wrote  out, and lectured on the Sutras, personally putting those teachings into  practice. Using literature as a foundation, he set forth the esoteric meaning  of Buddhism. Everything he wrote was true and actual; every one of his  words meshed with principle. He was an Upasaka of proper belief.  

Later he followed Mr. Kong De-Cheng, 78th generational descendant  from the Confucian family line, to Taiwan and specialized in the study of  the Flower Adornment Sutra. He was instrumental in causing Buddhism to  flourish. He taught Buddhism to countless university students, and also  established Buddhist Lotus Societies, schools, hospitals, libraries, and other  humanitarian projects.   

Manifesting a slight illness at the end and lying down in an auspicious  posture, he passed away on April 13,1986, at the age of ninety-seven. He  deserves to be called a layman of uncompromising virtue of this Dharma- ending age.

Dharma Realm Buddhist University invited leaders from six countries throughout  the five continents to be our honorary chancellors. There were five laypeople  and five left-home people acting as honorary chancellors. Li Bing-Nan was one  of the five laymen. We have written this essay in his memory. He was an elder  layman of senior standing who was a native of the city of Jinan in Shandong  Province. In his youth he studied many of the classics of the Confucian teaching,  through which he gained a deep understanding. The essence of the teaching is  learning how to be an upright and superior person, and help society. Since he  was grounded in this kind of education, he was a very good person.

Dharma Master Heng Kuan,

I have not written to you for a long time, yet from afar I often reflect in  praise upon your full blessings and wisdom and your vigorous practice.  Recently I received through Board Member Dong, Zheng-zhi, the Certificate of Appointment naming me as the Honorary Chairperson of the Board  of Trustees of the Dharma Realm Buddhist University. Thinking that you  must have nominated me for this honor, I can only accept it reverently,  albeit remorsefully. Although I continue in this ninety-year-old body to  lecture on Sutras and teach in Taiwan, I feel mentally and physically  fatigued, and I fear it will be difficult to follow your mission when we are  separated by such a great distance. However, it is difficult for me to  decline your most sincere invitation, and so I shall do my best for my  own peace of mind and to repay your deep kindness.

Moreover, I hope you will instruct me in everything so I may respectfully comply. I write this letter to express my gratitude and wish you  peace in the Way.

Disciple Li Bing-nan bows in respect September 30 (1978)

※Li Bing-nan's letter accepting the appointment as 

※Honorary Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of  Dharma Realm Buddhist University.

After he grew up, he gave up Confucianism to study Buddhism. He drew near to  and supported "dragons and elephants" within the door of Dharma, that is, lofty  members of the Sangha who had great virtue, such as Dharma Masters Yin Guang,  Tai Hsu, Hsu Yun, and so forth. He protected and stayed close to them. He investigated  Sutras, reading and reciting them. He also accepted and upheld the Sutras, accepting  them with his mind and putting their principles into practice with his body. Since he  had good calligraphy, he wrote out the Sutras, and also lectured on the Sutras for  other people. He stressed personally putting the teachings into practice. He did not  expect others to practice, but actually embodied those principles himself. Using the  literature of the Confucian school as a foundation, he explained the profound meaning  of Buddhism.     

Literature is a vehicle for explaining the Way, and since the layman had a solid  grounding in Confucianism, he was able to understand Buddhism by inference.  Everything he wrote was true and actual; it was not false. Every one of his words  meshed with Buddhist principle. He was an Upasaka of proper belief. He did not  have wrong knowledge and views. As a layman who drew near to and served  Buddhism, he held correct views.

Later, when Mainland China's government changed hands, he followed Mr. Kong  De-Cheng to Taiwan. Kong De-Cheng, as the 78th generational descendant of the  Confucian family line, was responsible for making annual sacrifices in memory of  the sage Confucius. Layman Li specialized in the study of the Flower Adornment  Sutra and put a great deal of effort into investigating this Sutra. He was instrumental in causing Buddhism to flourish in Taiwan. He taught Buddhism to countless  university students, bringing about their accomplishment. He also established  Buddhist Lotus Societies, hospitals, schools, libraries, and other humanitarian  projects.

On April 13, 1986, manifesting a slight illness at the end, lying down in the auspicious posture with his right hand supporting his right cheek and his left hand resting on his left knee, he passed away. He was 97, three years short of being 100 years old. He deserves to be called a layman of uncompromising virtue in this Dharma-ending Age, someone who was very solid and firm. That's my opinion.

A verse in praise says:

A sturdy candle in a strong gale,
True gold in a raging fire,
Undergoing a hundred smeltings but never dissipated:
Such is the Vajra Dharma Body.
Like a pure breeze and the bright moon,
He was unblemished by even the slightest trace of defilement.
He roamed in the samadhi of playfulness:
It was just this way.

A sturdy candle in a strong gale: Even strong winds couldn't blow out this candle. True gold in a raging fire, / Undergoing a hundred smeltings but never dissipated. No matter how he was burned in the raging flames, this piece of gold never melted, never diminished. Such is the Vajra Dharma Body. The basic substance of the Vajra Dharma Body of the inherent nature never melts. Like a light breeze and bright moon, he was not greedy for fame or profit, wealth or sex. He was unblemished by even the slightest trace of defilement. He was not tainted by the least bit of dust. He roamed in the samadhi of playfulness. Roaming playfully at ease, he did everything as if he was in a samadhi of playing games. It was just this way. That's the way it was—nothing special.

Another verse says:

Personally acting as a model, he transformed the masses. 
Honestly reciting the Buddha's name, he ascended to the lotus of the ninth grade. 
He elucidated the principle of the Dharma Realm as set forth in the Flower Adornment Sutra. 
Opening up the wisdom mine, the Buddha nature was made bright. 
With faith, vows, and holding the Buddha's name, he returned to the Pure Land. 
Diligently he cultivated the wonderful Dharma and entered the Lotus City. 
At ninety-seven he was born in the land of peace and repose. 
Bodhisattva retinues increase day by day.

Personally acting as a model, he transformed the masses. This layman set a good example for others. Honestly reciting the Buddha's name, he ascended to the lotus of the ninth grade. If you reliably recite the Buddha's name, you can attain superior grades of rebirth in nine grades of lotuses.             

He elucidated the principle of the Dharma Realm, as set forth in the Flower Adornment Sutra. He explained the substance and principle of the Dharma Realm, as it was laid out in the Flower Adornment Sutra.

Opening up the wisdom mine, the Buddha nature was made bright. Once the wisdom mine is excavated, the basic nature of Buddhism is understood.

With faith, vows, and holding the Buddha's name—Amitabha's name—he returned to the Pure Land. Diligently he cultivated the wonderful Dharma and entered the Lotus City. If you recite the Buddha's name, this wonderful Dharma which Shakyamuni Buddha spoke about without being asked, in the future you will enter the Land of Ultimate Bliss.

At ninety-seven he was born in the land of peace and repose—The Land of Ultimate Bliss. Bodhisattva retinues increase day by day.

(The End)


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea