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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in Water and Mirrors

A Critique of Hideki Tojo

*上人講於一九八八年一月十六日 By the Venerable Master on January 16,1988
*比丘尼恆音 英譯 English translation by Bhikshuni Heng Yin



日本民族好勇鬥狠,好佔便宜,想利益自己,故近代日本佔領中國。據說中國政府同意日本佔領中國,因為中國政府不認為東北屬於中國,故先後由俄日兩國侵佔。日本亦歡喜東北這塊土地,與中國政府好像有默契。故「九一八事變」,日本想要消滅張學良的勢力,以取得東北。中國政府卻主張 「不抵抗」,與「 國聯」交涉,其實這只是藉口,當時國土被佔,還交涉什麼呢?








The aggressive character of the Japanese is proven by the Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War. [Japanese Prime Minister] Tanaka wrote a petition to the emperor saying, "To conquer the world, we must first conquer China. To conquer China, we must first conquer Manchuria and Mongolia." Thus, Honjo Shigeru, Generalissimo of the Guandong Army [the Japanese armed forces stationed in Manchuria], was ordered to initiate the Shenyang (Mukden) Incident on September 18,1931. The Manchurian armed forces, under orders not to resist, departed from the city of Shenyang in tears. In a frenzy Japan swallowed the four provinces of Manchuria and Mongolia and established Manchukuo with Pu Yi as its puppet ruler. In this way they slowly gnawed away at China. On July 7, 1937, the Japanese initiated the Marco Polo Bridge Incident on a pretext, thus beginning the Sino-Japanese war. After the Chinese government moved from Nanjing to Chongqing, the Japanese army advanced upon Nanjing and undauntedly massacred the civilians. The deaths and injuries numbered three hundred thousand. In 1941, a faction of young Japanese citizens elected Hideki Tojo as Prime Minister. Tojo organized the imperial army to raid the United States' Pearl Harbor. In the south Japan occupied Hong Kong, the Philippines, and other territories, thereby bringing on the Pacific War. On August 15, 1945, the Japanese reached the end of the road. Menaced by the atomic bomb, they surrendered unconditionally. The nefarious Hideki Tojo was sentenced as a high-level war criminal and was hanged in prison. His outcome serves as a warning for those who would invade other countries.  

The problems of the world are extremely complicated. It's not easy to keep the accounts clearly. The First Emperor of the Qin dynasty (Qin Shi Huang) chose a group of young men and women to go to Japan to look for an elixir of immortality. These young men and women, who were filled with enmity at being forced to leave their home and country, settled in Japan and became the first Japanese. That's why the Japanese have an inherent sense of enmity. Those young men and women were probably homesick, but unable to return to China since they were now of a different nationality. That may be why they want to invade China and take it over in a war. Those were the causes planted in the distant past. Although the past causes and subsequent effects are thus, if one does not create causes and effects, they will not grow worse with each day.   

The Japanese people are bellicose and pugnacious. They like to take advantage of others and benefit themselves. That's why Japan occupied China in the recent past. It is said that the Chinese government approved of the Japanese occupation of China since they did not consider Manchuria to be part of China. Manchuria was consequently attacked by Russia and occupied by Japan. Japan desired the Manchurian region, and the Chinese government seemed to give its silent approval. That's why, when the Japanese used the September 18th Mukden Incident to diminish Zhang Xueliang's power so that they could take Manchuria, the Chinese government decided not to fight back and to "negotiate through the League of Nations." Actually that was nothing but a pretext; when one's nation is being occupied, what is there to negotiate about?   

Manchuria had a large number of troops. Although some of them were stationed within the passes, it still had enough military strength to defeat Japan. However, with the order not to resist, the Japanese army was able to occupy Manchuria without having to use a single weapon. It's said that a man named Qi, who is still alive, acted as a go-between [between Japan and the Chinese government].   

Prime Minister Tanaka wrote a petition to the emperor, saying, "To conquer the world, we must first conquer China." Tanaka's policy of attacking neighbors and associating with distant powers was mistaken. He should have attacked distant powers and established relations with his own neighbors. Given the might of the Japanese army at the time, he could have defeated the Soviet Union. But he didn't do that. Instead, he attacked China first. The Chinese are a deeply moral people and stress the eight virtues of filial piety, fraternal respect, loyalty, trustworthiness, propriety, righteousness, incorruptibility, and a sense of shame. That is why the country has not yet perished in spite of the numerous hardships it has undergone. Japan is not unique in wanting to conquer the world. The leaders of Russia, Germany, the United States, and other nations all have the wild ambition of conquering the world. The idea of ruling the world is incredibly seductive! Due to this greed and ambition, countries and their leaders end up ruining themselves.  

Tanaka's petition said, "To conquer China, we must first conquer Manchuria and Mongolia." Thus Honjo Shigeru, Generalissimo of the Guandong Army [the Japanese armed forces stationed in Manchuria], seized and occupied Shenyang on September 18,1931. Why was it so easy for him to seize it? It was because the Manchurian forces had been ordered not to resist, but to leave the city of Shenyang. The Japanese invaders then, in a mad frenzy, devoured the four provinces that made up Manchuria and Mongolia and set up the puppet state of Manchukuo. 

At that time, there was a patriot in Manchuria, General Ma Zhanshan, who was serving as acting governor of Heilongjiang (Black Dragon River) Province. When the Japanese invaders had seized three provinces, he held a meeting to investigate the circumstances. His staff favored nonresistance. Ma Zhanshan, ignoring the orders of the Chinese central government, placed his pistol on the table and declared, "We must not allow the nation to be occupied by Japanese troops. We must fight for every inch! Anyone who opposes fighting the Japanese will be shot immediately!" His subordinates dared not oppose, so under the direction of his military advisor, General Li Yanwu, Ma Zhanshan's army opened fire on the Japanese troops as they were crossing the Nenjiang Bridge. The Japanese soldiers suffered a total defeat in the battle at Nenjiang Bridge, and they fled for their lives. General Ma was hailed as a hero of the people. A flurry of telegrams came snowing in from every direction. Even the Chinese government, which had advocated nonresistance, sent a telegram of congratulations. Thus, the Japanese occupation of Manchuria was quite a complicated affair.   

After the Mukden Incident, Japan installed Pu Yi (Xuantong, the Last Emperor of the Qing Dynasty) as a puppet ruler. As a puppet he had no real power, and his words didn't carry any weight. He had to take orders from others. The Japanese used a Chinese leader to win the people over. The provincial governor of Manchuria was Chinese, and the vice governor was Japanese, but the governor had to take orders from the vice governor. All the power was in the hands of the Japanese. After their occupation of Manchuria, they chose a pretext and initiated the Incident at Marco Polo Bridge on July 7, 1937, thus beginning the Sino- Japanese War. The war dragged on for eight years, with sporadic fighting and occasional retreats.   

When the Chinese government moved from Nanjing to Chongqing, the Japanese army advanced upon Nanjing and recklessly massacred the civilians. The deaths and injuries numbered three hundred thousand. Japan is a small country geographically, but it had huge ambitions. In succession it occupied Hong Kong, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, and other places. Japan does not have a large population, but they employed a very effective policy of using local military forces to maintain peace and order. They were very organized.   

In 1941, a faction of young Japanese citizens elected Hideki Tojo as Prime Minister. Tojo organized the imperial army to raid the American Pearl Harbor, thereby starting the Pacific War. On August 15, 1945, the Japanese army was destitute, exhausted, and on the verge of collapse. Under the threat of the atomic bomb, they surrendered unconditionally. The corrupt and wicked Hideki Tojo, guilty of atrocious crimes, was sentenced as a war criminal of the highest degree and hanged in prison. This is the retribution of someone who invaded other countries, and it serves as a mirror for us to view ourselves.

To be continued


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