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Translation Groups in Action

*孫果維 文 By Wendy Sun
*比丘尼恆哲 中譯 Chinese translation by Bhikshuni Heng Je

《涅盤經》云,末法時代正法會在西方發揚光大,然後由西方經鐵鳥再回至到東 方。


二千年十二月十七日,比丘尼恆持師、恆泰師、恆融師、恆瓏師、恆衣師,還有一些馬來西亞與星加坡翻譯小組人員,一同前往參觀Yakin印刷公司和Filmax Reprographic Service公司(分色與製版工廠)以便有實際性的瞭解。










The Nirvana Sutra states that in the Dharma Ending Age, the Proper Buddha-dharma will flourish in the West. From the West, the Orthodox Buddhadharma will once again return to the East via the iron bird.

In December 2000 translation groups were formed in both Malaysia and Singapore to help in the translation of sutras and Dharma talks by the late Venerable Master Hua.
On December 17, Dharma Masters Heng Chih, Heng Tai, Heng Lung, Heng Rong, and Heng Yi (Gwo Bwo) together with some members of the translation groups from both Malaysia and Singapore visited Yakin Printing Company as well as Filmax Reprographic Service Company (dealing with color separation and film making) on a factfinding tour.

Dharma Master Heng Lung was very professional in dealing with the printers. Her questions reflected someone who truly understands the printing business. On some occasions the questions asked were for the members to learn the nature of the trade as well as show them the art of negotiating with printing companies. It was an experience for all of us as we were introduced to the various printing machines in the factory.

Later, we went to visit the filmmaking company, which specialized in text layout and color separation. In this meeting, the discussion focused on standardization and compatibility of software and files format. The company owned one of the latest computerized filmmaking machines and several high-powered iMacs and PCs.

It was quite an educational trip for most of us, who now have a basic understanding of the process involved in printing a book.

In the evening at Tze Yun Tung Temple, Dharma Masters Heng Lung and Heng Yi (Gwo Bwo) taught members the correct procedures to layout a book before sending it off for printing. The contents, pictures, headings, font size, incorporation of blank pages and placement (right or left) of certain pages were some of the topics covered.

On Christmas Day, December 25, Dharma Master Chih and Dharma Master Tai visited Buddhist Books Distribution Centre (BBDC) in Singapore to hold a meeting with the newly formed translation group. The group includes four translators, one layout designer, one typist, and three proofreaders. BBDC members were very fortunate to be given the task to translate the Jeweled Repentance of the Emperor of Liang. Although it is a difficult assignment, especially for beginners, every member is committed and trying their best to learn and master the techniques of sutra translation.

For two days, December 25-26, Dharma Master Chih imparted her invaluable teachings to the group and also helped to correct some translated drafts.

On January 7, 2001, Dharma Masters Heng Yi (Gwo De), Heng Hsuan and Heng Jhuang continued the same mission by meeting with Singapore Translation Group.

In this meeting Dharma Masters discussed basic principles pertaining to translating sutras. They also touched on the eight guidelines for volunteer translators of BTTS (Buddhist Text Translation Society).

Hence, the beginning of year 2001 brought good energy to the Far East, as the Malaysia and Singapore Translation Groups go into action and continue to turn the Proper Dharma Wheel.


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