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Instructional Talk on Chinese New Year's Eve

*方丈恆律師講於2001年1月23日星期二晚(除夕),萬佛城大殿By the Abbot Heng Lyu Shi on the evening of Tuesday, January 23, 2001, in the Great Hall of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas
*比丘尼恆音 英譯 English translation by Bhikshuni Heng Yin













Happy New Year! We have really cleaned and spruced up the place  for this New Year, and not only that, but we also got a shower from  Heaven. We have had both the dry and the wet. When we purify the  boundaries shortly, the place will be even cleaner! As everyone can  see, we have a lot of New Year spirit this year and the decorations are  especially fine.

One thing I hope everyone will remember is not to throw leaves  and branches in the back property. Otherwise, people will think it's a  garbage dump back there. That would not be good, and it's also against  the law. Yesterday we burned not only leaves, but all sorts of garbage,  and we weren't finished until evening. So, please tell everyone not to  throw leaves, branches, or garbage back there. Garbage should be  taken to the garbage pile or the recycling center. Leaves can be dumped  outside the green house for composting. Please take branches to the  big pile of branches on the roadside behind the Tower of Blessings.  The leaves can be composted to make fertilizer, but the branches need  to be burned.

Yesterday forty or fifty neighbors, mostly local farmers, came to  visit. I'm sure they were impressed because everyone did a good job  of cleaning and preparing. They did have some opinions about things  we haven't paid attention to, and we must work hard to improve those  aspects. For example, some neighbors said that someone has been  walking through their vineyard and also across another neighbor's  land in order to pick wild herbs. The burros in our back pasture have  also trotted onto our neighbors' land, and our peacocks have flown  out and landed on their roofs and eaten their flowers and vegetables.  People wonder why we aren't able to manage our own people and  animals. If we can't even take care of these matters, how can we  manage a construction project on the back property? Of course we  will repair the fence, but at the same time, everyone should remember  to stay within our own property and not walk too far when picking  wild herbs. You may be breaking the precept against stealing if you trespass on other people's property.

Furthermore, we will be sending some of the peacocks to a safer  place. I heard that peacocks can live to be over seventy—a peacock  dynasty! Nevertheless, we will still be liberating two white peacocks  in the Liberating Life Ceremony tomorrow, because white peacocks  are very scarce here.

Why are we holding a Liberating Life Ceremony tomorrow? I had  forgotten that the Venerable Master had instructed me to liberate  creatures once a month. Sometimes we have two Dharma sessions in  a month, and we liberate creatures on those occasions. However, I  saw on the calendar that there aren't any major Dharma events in  January and February, so we will liberate life tomorrow, and in  February we will liberate life on the Venerable Master's Memorial  Day. The Venerable Master made this special stipulation to encourage  us to develop compassion. Tomorrow is the first day of the (lunar)  New Year and we will have a Dharma Assembly for Protecting the  World and Quelling Disasters. I hope everyone will try to attend and  pray for world peace. When we purify the boundaries tonight, I hope  everyone will welcome the New Year by making a fresh start.   

This afternoon I went with Upasaka Liu Guo-Fu to visit the Tower  of Blessings (Senior Home). We should all realize that when people  get old, their bodies and minds change and they are no longer like us  young people. We are still young and strong and able to run and jump,  and we don't know how hard it is for the elderly, especially when it  gets cold. There are a lot of problems when it's cold. The day before  yesterday we discussed the matter of the high gas bill and whether  we are using too much and should turn off the water heater until it  needs to be used. But how can the elderly take cold water coming out  of the faucets? Is it the case that they should turn off the heaters? No. 

We must protect the elderly and keep their room temperature at 70  degrees Fahrenheit at the very least. This is also why the Venerable  Master sponsored the celebration for Honoring Elders. Honoring our  elders does not mean celebrating with food and drink for one day. We  must truly practice it in our daily lives. We should try to understand  their difficulties and help them to resolve them.     

Buddhism teaches compassion, the great compassion of oneness  with all. That is, we must put ourselves in the same body in order to  understand the sufferings of sentient beings and help to resolve the  problems and alleviate those sufferings. The City of Ten Thousand  Buddhas is a big family, and the Venerable Master is the head of the  household. He is our constant spiritual leader. At all times, we should  reflect and ask ourselves whether we are really walking down the  path of compassion and whether our wisdom is increasing. At the  beginning of the New Year, we ought to make a new resolve and let  bygones be bygones. Since we are fortunate enough to have  encountered the Buddhadharma and are now walking the Buddha  Path, we ought to truly embody the Buddhadharma and not be as muddled as before.

Of course in the City there must be many places that need  improvement. For instance, if you know a place that needs street lamps  or a lamp that is not bright enough, please tell the Administration  Office and we will try our best to improve the situation.     

People who don't understand the Buddhadharma spend their lives  creating karma, and then rushing off to rebirth after they die. They  are busy both when alive and after death. Since we have encountered  the Buddhadharma and are aware of how we come and go, we ought  to work hard. Otherwise, if our wisdom has not increased by the time  our blessings are used up, we will be deluded again.   

 I'd like to tell the story of Guo-Yi Shi. Does everyone remember  him? His initial attempt to leave the home life was unsuccessful. Then,  when he found out he had liver cancer and only half a year left to  live, his wife came and begged us to let him leave home. After leaving  home, he lived at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. However, when  his condition became critical, he was taken to the hospital where it  was more convenient for his family to visit him. Although his family  was with him in the hospital, he wished to return to the City of Ten  Thousand Buddhas. But when the ambulance was waiting outside to  take him back to the City, he passed away.     

When did he pass away? It was during the Noon Meal Offering  before lunch. When I received the news, the assembly was chanting  the Buddhas' and Bodhisattvas' names for the second time around. I  immediately went to the hospital with a novice monk. I thought to  myself, "Who would go to see him at this time of day?" When I arrived  at the hospital, to my surprise all of his friends from San Jose were  already there (they had come directly from San Jose to the hospital)  and were reciting for him. That's why he was smiling. When he first  died, his eyes and mouth were open, but after we recited the Buddha's  name for him, his eyes closed and a smile came to his face. His family  was very happy and wanted to take him home; they could not bear to  part with him.

Why did he have such blessings? It's because when he was still a  layman and working at a job, he would spend his lunch hour at the  San Jose Lay Buddhist Association helping to answer the phone, when  everyone else was eating. Since he spent every noontime helping  others, he had such wonderful conditions when he passed away.  Lunchtime is the most difficult time to pull people away at the City  of Ten Thousand Buddhas, but all his friends came. All the people he  had helped to answer phone calls for came to recite for him when he  passed away.     

Therefore, we should not underestimate the importance of helping  others. Blessings are generated through helping others. As the "Chapter  on Universal Worthy Bodhisattva's Conduct and Vows" says, without  living beings, Bodhisattvas have no way to achieve the wisdom of annuttarasamyaksambodhi. Amitabha!


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