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三寶地 勿打獵—核桃園異聞
Do Not Hunt on the Triple Jewel's Grounds—An Unusual Happening at the Walnut Ranch

*劉果福 講於大殿2000年11月5日星期日晚 A talk by Liu Guo Fu at the Buddha Hall Sunday, October 5, 2000
*劉親智 英譯 English translation by Liu Qin Zhi


今天方丈和尚叫我去核桃園附近,請我們的鄰居來參加敬老節;叫我跟 Howard(胡果浩)去,因為Howard 很熟悉那些鄰居。我也帶了我兒子去。當我們來到一個比較靠近我們,一個叫Terry(泰利)的美國鄰居家,去邀請他的時候,他等不及的第一句話就問我們,「你們的人有沒有學功夫?有沒有學武功的?」第一句話就問我們這個,沒講別的。




Dharma Masters and Good Advisors, Amitabha! 

Today the Abbot asked me to go to the Walnut Ranch to invite  some of our neighbors to our celebration of Honoring Elders  Day. I went with Mr. Howard Hu, who knows those neighbors  well. I also brought my son along. When we invited a man  named Terry, an American who lives nearest to us, his first  sentence was: "Do your men study martial arts?"     

We said, "Martial arts? No, we don't have anyone practicing  it right now." Terry said that he went to the laundromat and  met an old friend who loved to hunt, and he could hardly  believe what this friend said. He might not have believed it if  it had been anyone else, but Terry trusted this friend deeply.  The friend asked Terry what was going on at our temple. Terry  said, "My friend went hunting in the back of Walnut Ranch  by the lake"—we have a lake behind the Ranch—"and when  he was hunting, all of a sudden seven people wielding swords  and wearing black robes popped out!" His friend was so scared  that he ran away. His friend thought there might be people  practicing martial arts at the Walnut Ranch, and that's why  Terry asked us.     

At the time I did not know what this was all about. My son  asked what time it was when his friend saw those people. I  asked Terry, and he said it was in the daytime.

Heng Sure Shi: That's no ordinary occurrence! The question  is, what is Heng Ge Shi (who lives at the Walnut Ranch)  cultivating over there? But don't blame him, he probably  doesn't even know about this. However, it certainly is true  that we should not hunt on the grounds of the Triple Jewel.  And the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is no ordinary place!


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