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Young and Old Celebrate Together at 9th Annual Honoring Elders Day

比丘尼恒音 文 By Bhikshuni Heng Yin
比丘尼恒教 中譯 Chinese translation by Bhikshuni Heng Jiao

11月11日星期六,從早上9點至下午1點萬佛聖城慶祝了第九屆的敬老節。在三百多位來賓中,約一百位是老人家。今年的敬老節活動有歌唱、戲劇、鋼琴、琵琶獨奏、國樂演奏、太極拳表演和多項的舞蹈。培德女中學生表演了一場自編的優美的中國扇舞;日本的Momoko 女士也演出一段優雅的日本扇舞;四位 Mary Knight芭蕾舞團的學生,表演了迷人的幾段「胡桃鉗」的舞蹈。此外,三十五位美國原住民組成 Hinthil Keebanm的團體,也表演了一系列傳統慶典歌舞。瑜伽市老人中心一位90多歲的莎莉女士,朗誦了自己寫的詩。   

一位桃樂絲女士介紹了「老陪老服務社」,目前有15 位組員為當地百多位老人服務。    壓軸節目是男校生動活潑的舞獅。方丈和尚在慶典尾聲中,向面帶微笑的老人家們問候,並歡迎他們常年來訪聖城。在觀賞表演之餘,來賓們同時享宴了由齋堂辛苦的工作人員準備的美味素筵。學生們並分贈每位老人一朶紙蓮花和念珠。



On Saturday, November 11, the Ninth Annual Honoring Elders Day was celebrated at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Over three hundred guests attended, including nearly a hundred elders. This year's program included songs, plays, piano and pipa solos, Chinese orchestra, a tai chi demonstration, and several dances. Students of Developing Virtue Girls School performed a graceful Chinese fan dance that they had choreographed themselves. Mrs. Momoko, an elder Japanese lady, performed an elegant Japanese fan dance. Four students from the Mary Knight Ballet Company performed charming dances from The Nutcracker. And for the first time at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, Hinthil Keebanm, a Native American group of thirty-five adults and children, performed a series of ritual songs and dances.

Sally Weiss of the Ukiah Senior Center, who is in her nineties, recited several of her own poems for the attentive audience. Dolores Vennum, another senior, introduced the Senior Companions program, which has fifteen members providing companionship to about a hundred senior citizens in the local area.

The last performance was a lively lion dance performed by the BoysSchool. The Abbot concluded the program by complimenting theseniors for their smiles and welcoming them to visit the City of TenThousand Buddhas all year round. While watching the performances,guests enjoyed a delicious vegetarian meal prepared by thehardworking kitchen crew. Students presented each senior with a pa­per lotus blossom and a rosary.             
One elder told us that he was grateful to be attending this celebration, for he was a World War II veteran (November 11 happened to also be Veterans Day) who had fought in Japan, sinking ships and bombing factories. He said Americans have a lot to learn from ancient Asian traditions about being peaceful. Pauline, a 98-year-old white-haired lady beaming from ear to ear, said that she felt extremely honored and lucky to be invited to this celebration, because as a child, she had been too poor to be able to attend such events.

There is no substitute for the warm and joyful feeling of being able to please our elders. We hope that all people will remember to respect and cherish their elders, so that all elders may experience the honor and happiness that those who attended the celebration did.


法界佛教總會Dharma Realm Buddhist Association │ © Vajra Bodhi Sea