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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】


In Memory of Cardinal Yu Bin (continued)

宣公上人講於1986年3月15日 Essay, verses, and commentary by the Venerable Master Hua, March 15,1986
李宗祐 英譯 English translation by Michael Lee



The ivory mountains and the ebony waters bred an exceptional prodigy,
Who regarded fortune fame indifferently, like worn out sandals.
He understood that God and Jesus are the form and the mean.
He recognized the perfect interpenetration between the human mind and the Buddha nature.
He promoted the thoughtful remembrance of ancestors, for he was full of human virtues.
He exhausted his health to fulfill his responsibilities because of his old-fashioned integrity.
Greatly good Cardinal Yu:
His upright character shall be revered by the multitudes for ten thousand generations.

The ivory mountains and the ebony waters bred an exceptional prodigy.
The Changbai (Forever White) Mountain and the Heilong (Black Dragon) River are spiritual regions with talented people; they nurtured numerous gallant heroes, as well as extraordinary individuals and unusual events. Who regarded fortune and fame indifferently, like worn out sandals to be thrown away. Cardinal Yu did not care about riches, nor did he aspire to become a government official; he regarded fortune and fame as a pair of worn out shoes.

He understood that God and Jesus are the form and the mean. The Heavenly Lord is the form, and Jesus is the mean. He recognized that the Lord in Heaven and Jesus are mutually the form and the mean. He recognized the perfect interpenetration between the human mind and the Buddha nature. Why did he later also pay respects to the Buddha? It is because he compre­hended that all is perfectly interpenetrating and unobstructed; there should not be disagreeing opinions among those of different backgrounds.

He promoted the thoughtful remembrance of ancestors for he was full of human virtues. He promoted the custom of commemorating the ancestors, taking care of their funeral matters and remembering them after they have passed away.

He did not want people to forget their ancestors' virtues. Through this effort, the tradition of commemorating generations past continued to be passed down to posterity. Cardinal Yu was deeply influenced by the Confucian teachings about commemorat­ing our ancestors and not forgetting our roots.

He exhausted his health to fulfill his responsibilities because of his old-fashioned integrity. He was just like Zhuge Liang, who sacrificed his life in fulfilling his responsibilities. No matter how trying and strenuous the effort was, he was single minded in his intention to do more for the Catholic faith. He had true devotion, a commendable quality possessed by people in ancient times.

Greatly good Cardinal Yu. Cardinal Yu was a very great and noble person. His upright character shall be revered by the multitudes for ten thousand generations. The Catholics of China all revere, respect, and admire him. He well deserves to be the model for ten thousand generations of humanity.

(The End)

白山黑水育奇英 富貴榮華敝履輕
天主耶穌明體用 人心佛性悟圓融
慎終追遠民德厚 鞠躬盡瘁古道風
大哉樞機于主教 儀型萬世眾仰尊







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