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Bodhi Mirror

Bowing to the Buddhas Day and Night as an Offering
Introducing Shramanerika Chin Sying Shi

沙彌尼親行 文 By Shramanerika Chin Sying
比丘尼恆音 英譯 English translation by Bhikshuni Heng Yin





In July 1995, I traveled from Taiwan to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB) to attend the Venerable Master's cremation ceremony. Afterwards, I stayed on to help out at Jyun Kang Vegetarian Restaurant in San Francisco for a year and a half. During that time, I dreamt of the Master twice. In the first dream, the Master said, "Don't be late for morning recitation. If you want to go to the Western Paradise and you are late for morning recitation, the gate to the Western Paradise will close on you." In the second dream, the Master said, "I have a very long telephone line. I hear it when any of you miss morning recitation." I have carefully remembered the Master's instructions and not dared to forget them. In the past five years, I have been late to morning recitation only twice, once because the battery in my alarm clock ran out, and once because I was sick and hooked up to the IV (for intrave­nous feeding) for two days.

Under the Venerable Master's compassionate teaching, we seniors have also been able to live in the monastery to study and practice the Dharma, and even enter the monastic life. On the Memorial Day of the Master's Leaving Home in 1998, I had my head shaved and renounced the household life. This year, I shall receive full ordination in the threefold precepts.

I had decided in early April this year to participate in the Jeweled Repen­tance Before Ten Thousand Buddhas at CTTB. Before the Repentance, however, my varicose veins swelled up, and the pain was so great that I could not even put on shoes or walk. Acupuncture and massage had no effect. My Dharma sisters said, "How can you bow the Repentance when your feet are in such pain?" I said, "Don't worry. All the ten thousand Buddhas will cer­tainly protect me and grant me my wish of bowing the Repentance Before Ten Thousand Buddhas." It was indeed painful and hard to bow for the first three days of the Repentance. The pain seemed less on the fourth day. By the seventh day, the pain had diminished by more than half. By the end of the Repentance, the pain was nine-tenths gone!

I rise at three o'clock every day and bow to the Buddhas until morning recitation. After the last ceremony in the evening, I continue bowing until quarter past ten. Being old, it's hard for me to learn anything and I don't have much ability. That's why the only way I can make offerings to the Buddhas is to bow to them.


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