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Lectures on Tao Yuanming's Poems (continued)

葉嘉瑩教授講 By Professor Yeh Chia-ying
郇若慧·比丘尼恆音 英譯English translation by Josey Shun and Bhikshuni Heng Yin








The fu is an ancient Chinese lyrical form. What is meant by the line: "The wise man has a broad perspective; there is nothing he cannot handle"? "Broad" means penetrating and far-reaching. Some people have pea-sized views, extremely limited in scope. They see only what's immediately in front of them. Without broad and far-reaching vision, such people certainly cannot be considered wise or broad-sighted. A wise person's insights are far-reaching and thorough. He doesn't merely see the current state of decline or prosperity, but perceives that both the human world and the celestial realm of the universe follow the endless cycle described by the line: "Decline and prosperity are impermanent, each reciprocating the other."

This morning, I happened to talk about Su Shi of the Song Dy­nasty in my class at the University of British Columbia. Su Shi had been demoted and sent to a remote island, known today as Hainan Island. One windy and rainy night, he wrote a poem. Although we are discussing Tao Yuanming's poem now, in order to explain "The wise man has a broad perspective," I will use Su Shi's poem as an example, for Su Shi was someone who truly had a broad perspective, due to being deeply influenced by Tao Yuanming.

Being demoted in old age, Su Dongpo (Su Shi) wrote "Matching Tao's Poems." What does 'matching' mean? Whatever titles Tao Yuanming chose, he did the same; whatever rhymes Tao Yuanming used, he used the same. He matched each poem in Tao Yuanming's anthology. From this, we know that Su Shi truly appreciated Tao Yuanming's poems.

Through the poem that Su Shi wrote upon being demoted to Hainan Island, we can see his attitude of being a wise person with a broad perspective. This poem is entitled "Crossing the ocean at night on the 21st day of the sixth month." From the 15th to the 20th of the lunar month, the moon should be round. However, it was a stormy night and the moon was obscured by dark clouds. Su wrote:

The constellations of Can and Dou have shifted; It must be nearly the third watch. The bothersome rain and gusty wind know when to cease. When the clouds disperse and the moon shines, What decoration is needed? The sky and sea are originally clear.

There is more to the poem, but we don't have time to study it. We are mainly discussing Tao Yuanming's poems, not Su Dongpo's, so I only quote so much.

"The constellations of Can and Dou have shifted; / It must be nearly the third watch." Can and Dou are the names of constellations. Due to the earth's rotation, you may see a star over here around eight or nine o'clock at night, but by two or three o'clock in the morning, the same star will have moved over there. Thus "The constellations of Can and Dou have shifted" indicates that according to the position of the stars, it was very late at night-past midnight. In ancient China, the hours were announced by a gong. The gong striker would make his third round in latter part of the night. "The constellations of Can and Dou have shifted; / It must be nearly the third watch." It had been windy and raining since the early part of the night, but Su Dongpo insisted that "The bothersome rain and the gusty wind know when to cease."

"Bothersome rain" means a heavy downpour that upsets and an­noys people. "Gusty wind" is a phrase from the Book of Odes, and it refers to a very strong gale. To "know" means to understand. Su Dongpo's wise and broad outlook becomes apparent in this line. He was saying, "Won't it eventually clear up after the gustiest wind and the heaviest rain?" Once the wind ceases, the rain stops, and the dark clouds disperse, the moon will emerge and nature will regain its origi­nal appearance. At that moment, does nature need any artificial ornaments? Of course not! "The sky and sea are naturally clear." External changes and influences cannot alter the true character of the natural universe. Thus, there's no need to get anxious and worried over the temporary "bothersome rain and gusty wind."

If this poem does not suffice to show that Su Dongpo is a wise man with a broad outlook, we can examine another poem of his, "Calmness in a Sudden Storm," describing his encounter with a sud­den storm while on the road. He said that when the storm suddenly arose, his companions panicked, but he did not. He said, "Ignore the whistling winds and the pelting rain. Why not sing and holler and take a pleasant stroll? ...Look back on that desolate scene-gone! Neither storm nor clear skies exist." He said if you panic when the storm strikes, you might knock yourself out even before the storm gets to you. Su thought we should deal with it calmly. "Ignore the whistling winds and the pelting rain." Don't let the external sound of wind rustling through the woods and raindrops pelting leaves disturb your mind.

Earlier, we mentioned twice Tao Yuanming's line "I make my home among people, yet hear no noise of traffic" "Worldly noise cannot disturb your mind, nor can the sounds of the storm outside bother you. You might say, "I'm not afraid of the storm—I'll stand here and let the wind blow me and the rain drench me. That is not what a wise person with a broad outlook would do. Su Dongpo would not allow you to be such a fool.

To be continued


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