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Focus on Education

Treating Others' Elders and Others' Children as Our Own:
Instructions from the Venerable Master during the Hundred-Day Chan Session

王隆琴 英譯 Translated by Linda Wang













December 2, 1970 at Gold Mountain Monastery.

Most youth in this country are heading down the wrong path. They think that taking drugs and being rude to their parents is heroic. Why are they that way? It is because their parents don't teach them well, so they feel that their parents are the worst. If they were taught filial piety, fraternal respect, loyalty, trustworthiness, propriety, righteousness, incorruptibility, and a sense of shame ever since they were young, they would not have walked down this wrong path.

Therefore, we should establish a Buddhist youth group so that these young people will turn away from those improper paths and walk down the proper path. Which proper path? The proper path of being filial to their parents. This Buddhist youth group is a must. There is no reason why it cannot be formed. In this way, young people will understand what it is that they ought to do, and thus not let the time pass in vain. You young adults within Bud­dhism should be leaders, role models for others. I believe that in the near future, a Buddhist youth group will definitely become a reality. Someone will certainly organize this group. When some­one does, you must all support and help to make it successful. Consequently, young people will walk down the proper path. This would help the country, which in turn helps the society-at-large, the human race, and on an even larger scale, the entire world. Such a group would ensure that children know what they should and should not do. This is crucial.

There are other things that we need to do. We need to think of ways to help the aging population. Currently, the United States government is very helpful to the elderly, giving them money so that they don't starve to death, and providing them with housing. This is a good thing. The government can take care of elders. However, it only takes care of their physical needs, and not their psychological needs. Although they have clothes to wear, food to eat, a place to live, they suffer a great deal of mental anguish. What kind of anguish? They have no one who comes around to be close to them and to attend to them. Although they have money either from government assistance or themselves, their children have run far away. The children may return on Christmas to pay a visit, but only if their parents pay for their airfare. They may even ask their folks for money. This country considers these arrangements to be fine, but I know that this is miserable for the elders. Elders must have people to protect and help them. They can't eat things that are too hard to chew; they can't wear too few layers of clothing. They must have their children around them to protect them so that they feel more secure psychologically.

For this reason, Buddhists must also set up a home for the elders. What do I mean by a home for the elders? A filial daugh­ter or son would come and serve a group of senior citizens every day, each trying one's best to treat the elderly as if they were his or her parents. The elders would be happy and comforted, which would be much better than the way they are in their own homes. They would be joyful and feel that they have some psychological support. That is the most critical matter right now.

We within Buddhism must truly take care of the elderly and the young. We should "serve others' elders as if they were our elders." I should be filial to my own elder relatives as well as others' elder relatives. We should "care for others' children as if our children." I should cherish my kids as well as others' kids. Therefore, a Buddhist youth group and a Buddhist elders home are presently important matters. Each of us should promote and support them. In addition, we should set up a Buddhist academy.

There is a lot to do for Buddhism. Don't be afraid; all we have to do is move forward one step at a time. It will be difficult at first. However, we are pioneers. Perhaps no one has done any of these things in this country before. You in the West are very intelligent and capable. You should give some thought to these matters at hand. Pay special attention as you execute them. In this fashion, those of you who will be parents in the future may rest assured that you will be taken care of when you are older— unlike the unfortunate elders in the past who have had no one to take care of them and lived such monotonous lives. Life was meaningless to them.

As human beings, we ought to take care of each other. Elders should be compassionate to young people, and young people should be filial to elders. Filial respect is essential. Unfilial human beings are no different than, or even worse than, beasts. Elders should be compassionate to the youngsters. If they lack compassion, they are comparable to animals, in the sense that they don't know the principles of being human.

Why do I that say people who are not filial to parents are worse than beasts? Take a look at crows. As soon as they are born, baby crows know to feed the older crows. Since older crows cannot fly after they give birth to fledglings, the baby crows have to find food for the aged crows. Crows return to feed their elders. Baby lambs kneel to take milk. When little lambs drink milk, they kneel with their forelegs on the ground. Therefore, crows are filial birds and lambs are filial animals. If birds and mammals know to repay their parents' kindness, aren't we hu­mans worse than beasts if we do not repay our parents' kindness?

Some people claim, "So what if I am worse than a beast! Look at those Americans! Wasn't it published in the newspaper a few days ago that some people wish to be beasts, some wish to be deer, some wish to be elephants, some wish to be birds, and so on. They are all people, and they are all willing to do that!"

This is not about willingness, but about their past lives. Now that they have become humans, they feel that being human is meaningless. These people figure they might as well go back to their "old home," which they believe to be better. Therefore they are willing to become beasts. Some wish to be snakes, some wish to be cats, and some wish to be dogs. This is because they just came from that particular path. Having arrived at the human realm, they feel that it's such a hassle to be humans that they might as well return to being animals. It was better when they could just eat what is ready-made and not work. You see, deer, snakes, mice, and cats eat without having to prepare their meals. Even so, it's still better to be a human than a beast. Humans are crea­tures of intelligence; they are the most intelligent among all creatures. For that reason, their actions and behavior should dif­fer from that of other animals.

Youngsters ought to be filial to their parents and elders ought to be kind to their children. If you are kind, you will want your children to be better. Wanting them to be better, you will educate them. "To raise children but not educate them is a fault on the part of the parents." The parents are at fault for not teaching their children. "Just let them develop on their own," you say. Raising children is analogous to planting a tree. You may plant a tree, but if you pay no attention to it afterwards, it will grow a stray branch to the left and a stray branch to the right. It will not be very useful with so many twigs. You should prune every branch of the tree as it grows so that it's very straight. That way, you have the material for upstanding pillars that could be used for building high-risers in the future.

To be continued


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