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The Shurangama Sutra


宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version









Why did the asura king go to war with the great Brahma Heaven Lord? The king of the asuras had a beautiful daughter who became the reason he went to war with the God Shakra. She was an exquisite young goddess, and when Shakra laid eyes on her he went to the king of the asuras to ask for her hand. The asura father consented. It turned out, however, that the asura woman was extremely jealous and selfish. Lord Shakra liked to listen tothe Buddhadharma and would go regularly to hear the Dharma Masters lecture on the Sutras. The asura woman noticed his absence and became jealous. She thought, "Now that he's married me, he doesn't love me anymore. I bet he's going out and having an affair."

Possessed by such jealous thoughts, she secretly followed Lord Shakra one day to find out where he went. When Shakra entered the Dharma assembly and took a seat, his wife observed that there were numerous women in the gathering. This fired her jealousy even more, and with that she became visible. When Shakra saw her he asked, "What are you doing here?"

"You come here to get friendly with women and don't invite me along!" she replied in a jealous fit.

Shakra slapped her face, and she began to cry and ran home to the asura king to tell her tale. "Lord Shakra is breaking the rules and always going out to find women," she reported. "When I followed him, he hit me."

Of course, when the asura king heard that, he was outraged. "We're going to war! We'll overthrow him and usurp the throne!" He sent out the entire company ofasura soldiers and generals to join battle against Shakra. Well, guess what: the combined military might of Shakra, Brahma, and the Four Heavenly Kings could not overcome the asura troops. It was a stalemate. Finally Shakra had to go to the Buddha to ask for help.

"What's to be done?" he said. "I can't beat these asuras."

Shakyamuni Buddha replied, "Go back and tell all your officers and enlisted men to recite the phrase, 'Mahaprajnaparamita,' [a Sanskrit phrase meaning "the perfection of great wisdom"] and I guarantee that everything will turn out all right."

Shakra did as he was told, and the asuras gave up without further fight. That's how Shakra finally won. But these kinds of asuras are always fighting for position and authority.


"Ananda, there is another, baser category of asuras. They are born in the center of the great seas and live in underwater caves. During the day they roam in emptiness; at night they return to their watery realm. These asuras come into being because of moisture and belong to the destiny of animals.


Ananda, there is another, baser category of asuras. They are born in the center of the great seas and live in underwater caves. These asuras belong to the animal realm. Dragons and the like are examples. They are born in the heart of the ocean and take up residence in underwater caves. During the day they roam in emptiness; at night they return to their watery realm. In the morning, they go up into the air to roam and play; in the evening they go back to dwell in their underwater caves. These asuras come into being because of moisture and belong to the destiny of animals.


"Ananda, so it is that when the seven destinies of hell-dwellers, hungry ghosts, animals, people, spiritual immortals, gods, and asuras are investigated in detail, they are all found to be murky and embroiled in conditioned existence. They are born from false thoughts. Their false thoughts follow from their karma. Within the wonderful perfection of the unconditioned, fundamental mind, they are like flowers in space, for there is basically nothing to be attached to; they are entirely vain and false, and they have no source or beginning.


Ananda, so it is that when the seven destinies of hell-dwellers, hungry ghosts,animals, people, spiritual immortals, gods, and asuras are investigated in detail, they are all found to be murky and embroiled in conditioned existence. They all still have some form of appearance. Where do these beings come from? They are born from false thoughts. Their false thoughts follow their retribution of karma, and lead them into their next rebirth. Within the wonderful perfection of the unconditioned, fundamental mind, they are like flowers in space, for there is basi- cally nothing to be attached to. The seven destinies are like illusory flowers in emptiness; they are nothing to cling to. They are entirely vain and false, and they have no source or beginning.

To be continued


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