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The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra with Commentary

【卷四 安樂行品第十四】

Roll Four, Chapter Fourteen: Happily-Dwelling Conduct

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version









They also do not draw near to those who seek to be Hearers, whether Bhikshus, Bhikshunis, Upasakas, or Upasikas, and they do not make a half bow to them. They do not remain in a room, a promenade, or a lecture hall with them. Should such people sometimes come to them, they speak Dharma as is appropriate, but seek nothing in return.


They also do not draw near to those who seek to be Hearers, that is, those of the Small Vehicle, whether Bhikshus, Bhikshunis, Upasakas, or Upasikas, and they do not make a half bow to them. You may have seen some Japanese monks greeting everyone they see by joining their palms and bowing from the waist. That shows they are not familiar with this passage of the Dharma Flower Sutra. If they were, they would not act so indiscriminately. They do not remain in a room, say perhaps their own dwelling place, a promenade where they may be strolling, or a lecture hall, such as our Buddhist Lecture Hall, with them. They do not live with evil people, unless they are people who were once evil but who have reformed. If such people come, for example to our summer session here, and sincerely want to seek the Dharma, then you can associate with them.

Should such people sometimes come to them, they speak Dharma as is appropriate, but seek nothing in return. In accord with their potential, one may speak Dharma for them, but one should not have any ulterior motive. One should not have even the slightest opportunistic thought.


Manjushri, moreover, Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas must not regard women's bodies as objects of desire and speak Dharma for them. They do not take delight in looking at women. If they enter the homes of others, they do not speak with young girls, maidens, widows, and so forth.


Shakyamuni Buddha called out again to Manjushri Bodhisattva,  "Moreover, I will tell you more about the things that Bodhisattvas should  not do. Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas must not regard women's bodies as  objects of desire. When a Bodhisattva sees a woman, he should not make  discriminations about the fineness or the beauty of her appearance and give  rise to lust. Bodhisattvas should not be this way.     

And speak Dharma for them. Moreover, a Bodhisattva shouldn't  feel happy encountering women or take delight in speaking Dharma for  them while ignoring men who come to request the Dharma from him.  When women request the Dharma, he shouldn't be extremely happy and  talk on and on, not finishing for days because of his desire for women.     

They do not take delight in looking at women. Not only would  they not have thoughts of lust toward women, they would not even be  willing to look at them, because the female body is unclean. Cultivators of  the Way should avoid indulging in looking at members of the opposite sex.  For those who have true samadhi power,

The eyes see forms, but there is nothing inside.
The ears hear defiling sounds, but the mind does not know.     

There is an altogether different state of being. But if you don't have  samadhi power and are turned by states, you shouldn't look at members of the opposite sex so much.     

If they enter the homes of others, they do not speak with young  girls. If for some special reason, a person who is practicing the Bodhisattva Way has to enter a layperson's home, he should not chat with  young girls, or with maidens, or widows, and so forth. People who practice the Bodhisattva Way cannot go to someone's house and get involved  in bantering with little girls. Nor should they have conversations with young  maidens, especially when the two of them are alone.     

"Maidens" refers to young women who have never married and who  are still virgins. One must also not have private conversations with widows.  "And so forth" refers to any other such women. To "speak with" means to  have a conversation that no one else hears. Bodhisattvas Mahasattvas who  practice the Bodhisattva Way should not hold private conversations with  such women.

To be continued  

上人語錄 Venerable Master's Dharma Words
※ 修道人切記!不要和任何人有污染的因緣,這樣會糾纏不清,令你墮落。
◆ Cultivators of the Way, take heed! Do not get involved in defiled situations  with anyone. Otherwise, entangled and confused, you will surely fall.


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