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News from the Dharma Realm

Insights During The First Guanyin Recitation Session of the Twenty-First Century (Continued)

沙彌果福 編輯Compiled by Shramanera Guo Fu
王隆琴 英譯 English translation by Linda Wang
3月25日觀音七圓滿日晚Saturday evening, March 25, at the conclusion of the Session


剛剛果安師說出家人頭上會冒光,這是什么「法」?我想就是沒有「頭髮」嘛!就這麼簡單。時間過得很快,七天過去 了。明天還有普賢菩薩聖誕半天的法會,大家可以再來,看看頭會不會冒光?





今天我上到臺來,令我回想到我第一次來萬佛城的時候,那是 1983年,第一天就蒙上人在無言堂接見。當天我參加晚課時,上人突然要我上臺講話。當時我上得臺來,不知為什麼坐在這裡兩條腿一直發抖,抖得很厲害。後來學《華嚴經》,才知道這是大眾威德畏。








Abbot Heng Lyu Shi

Earlier, Guo An Shi asked what kind of dharma it was that left home people's  heads emitted light. I think it's because they're bald! It's that simple. Time has  passed quickly. Seven days have already gone. There will be a half day Dharma  assembly for Universal Worthy Bodhisattva's Birthday; I hope that everyone  will be here again to see if anyone has lights bouncing off of their heads.

Let me remind everybody that we often see Guanshiyin Bodhisattva standing  on the head of a dragon. Why is that? This dragon represents our temper. We  must subdue our temper with compassion. In other words, we must emulate  Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's compassion. That is the best way to counter anger.

Finally, I hope that everyone will do the Great Transference well, transferring merit and virtue to all living beings rather than to oneself. Ego is the  beginning of afflictions. Putting down the ego is self-mastery. As it is said,  "To truly contemplate at ease is to see not a single dharma."

Upasaka Song-Bo Yeh from Vancouver

(March 22, Ten Thousand Buddhas Jeweled Hall)

Being on stage today, I can't help but think of the first time that I came to  the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, in 1983. I was fortunate to have been received by the Venerable Master that very first day, in the Wordless Hall.  When I participated in the evening ceremony that day, the Venerable Master  suddenly called me up on stage to speak. When I got up on stage, I don't  know why, but I sat there with my legs shaking, really badly. When I later  studied the Avatamsaka Sutra, I learned that I had been in fear of the assembly's  awesome virtue.

I am on stage today too, yet I am unafraid. I have not undergone any  training these days either. My legs are steady too. How come I am unafraid  now? The Avatamsaka Sutra also has the answer. "When Buddhists truly  bring forth their Bodhi resolve, all fears of death, of the great assembly's  awesome virtue, of not being alive and of poor reputation will disappear."  Hence, I take my fearlessness and steady legs as sign that I have met the  standard for true commitment to Bodhi. So I am quite happy right now.

Another thing that makes me happy is that I had made a vow to learn to  lecture the sutras. Tonight is such an opportunity for me. When we benefit  from the Buddha-dharma, each person has the responsibility to repay the Buddha's kindness. The best way to pay back is to give Dharma. The sutra  states, "Of all offerings, the offering of Dharma is the foremost."

I am very fortunate. The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas very much take care  of me. My first encounter with the Buddhadharma began directly with a  flight to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. At the time I didn't understand  anything; but the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas was the very first monastery with which I came in contact.

My wife is here this time too. I have been learning Buddhism for more than a decade, yet I have never been able to convert her. However, she  recently participated in Gold Buddha Monastery's Dharma session in Vancouver  and again in a session here. She is now very serious about Buddhism, and very  intense. It can be said that Gold Buddha Monastery and the City of Ten  Thousand Buddhas really converted her. At the same time, we are lucky to  have had the opportunity and affinities to find Way-places with the Proper  Dharma. That way, as we learn we do not go wrong or stray too far off. I am  grateful for all this and wish to repay such kindness. It is in this mindset I  have again come to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Today is the conclusion of the Guanyin Session. I believe it's most appropriate that I talk about some accounts of Guanyin Bodhisattva's miraculous  responses. A few days ago, the Abbot spoke of the principles; now I will talk  about real lives and real people. The purpose is to illustrate the principles with  facts. You don't believe it? I will show you the facts!

Last week, there was a Buddhist friend of ours in Vancouver named Guo Hui.  When she heard that my second son had been married for seven or eight years  but still had no children, she specifically came to tell me that her daughter had  been married for many years and had always wanted a son. She had given her  daughter a copy of the "Universal Door Chapter" in English to recite. Her daughter didn't understand Chinese. I didn't ask her how long she had recited, but last  week, her daughter told her, "Mom, it really works! I'm pregnant."

This Buddhist friend Guo Hui was very helpful and copied the English  "Universal Door Chapter" for me to give to my son and daughter-in-law. My  daughter-in-law is a faithful Christian, but Christianity has no one who satisfies every wish the way Guanyin Bodhisattva does. Since she is desperate, I  thought I would take the opportunity to introduce the Buddhadharma to her.  This is an excellent opportunity. However, I'm still waiting for the right moment,  hoping for the best outcome. The book is still in my hand. I still haven't given it  to her yet!

The "Universal Door Chapter" says that "If a woman wishes for a son, and  she prays and makes offerings to Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, she will give birth to a  blessed, virtuous and wise son. If a woman wishes for a daughter, she will give  birth to a daughter with fine and upright features." Guo Hui's daughter hopes to  have a son. We will know the answer by the end of the year.

(The End)


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