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Special Feature

Excerpts from the Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom
Roll Three: The City of the Kings' Abode (continued)

龍樹菩薩著 Written by Bodhisattva Nagarjuna
姚秦三藏法師鳩摩羅什中譯 Translated into Chinese by Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva of the Yaoqin dynasty
法友英譯 Translated into English by Dharmamitra





At that time, Vasu the hermit thought to himself, "I am a noble and eminent personage and thus should not make contradictory statements. Moreover, it is the dharma of the four Brahmanical Vedas to praise, for all manner of reasons, the methods for making of offerings to the gods. If I, one single person, die on account of this, how is that even worth reckoning?" Then he singlemindedly stated, "It should be that there is no offense in slaughtering animals and eating them during the course of making offerings to the gods." The hermits who had left the home life said, "You are a man with heavy offenses. May you be forced away. It's useless to even lay eyes on you." At this time his entire body sank into the earth. From that point on even until the present day, they have always used the method prescribed by Vasu, the hermit king, of slaughtering sheep in the course of making offerings to the gods. Just as the knife is about to fall, they say, "It is Vasu who kills you.

The son of Vasu, named "Wide Chariot," assumed the throne. Later, he too grew weary of worldly dharmas, but was not also able to leave the home life. He thought to himself, "My father, the former king, left the home life, but even while still alive was swallowed up by the earth. However, to con­tinue to rule the nation is to create more great offenses. How then should I now conduct myself?

To be continued


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