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News from the Dharma Realm

Insights During the First Guanyin Recitation Session of the Twenty-First Century

3月25星期日觀音七圓滿日晚 Evening of Saturday, March 25, at the conclusion of the Session
沙彌果福 編輯 Compiled by Sharamanera Guo Fu
王隆琴 英譯 English translation by Linda Wang






我們大多數人都犯的是意業。為什麼呢? 因為犯意業時,一般人無法看到,無法聽到,無法知道,我們不覺得慚愧,也不懺悔,所以就經常會犯意業。





Shramanera Guo An:

At lunch three days ago, we heard the Venerable Master's taped instructions that if you sincerely recite Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's name, you will see light radiating from the image of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva. Although I didn't see the Guanyin image emit light, I saw the monks ahead of me had lights bouncing off their heads. Some lights were brighter while others were weaker.

Myriad things speak dharma. What does light bouncing off monks' heads symbolize?

As we recited Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's name in the last seven days, we saw light coming from those who were working more intensely. Usually, people's lights were dimmer. Whether we have light depends on our sincerity as we recite the name of the Bodhisattva. Why do we emit light when we recite Guan Shi Yin Bodhisattva's name? It is because we have accumulated merit and virtue, therefore we have bright light radiating from our bodies.

Why does the light become dimmer? It is because we have vio­lated the three karmas. Most of us do not violate the body karma; at least we will do not purposely steal–unless we take other's things without asking. That would be violating the karma of the body. Some people sometimes violate the karma of speech. I don't think I need to explain what speech karma means.

Most of us violate the mind karma. Why? Typically people can't see, hear or know that we have violated the karma of thoughts. We don't know to be ashamed or remorseful, so we frequently violate the karma of the mind.

Bhikshuni Heng Sheng Shi:

Today, let me report on various responses from reciting Guanshiyin Bodhisattva's name and the Great Compassion Mantra in the aftermath of the major earthquake that occurred in Taiwan on September 21.

A few days ago, we heard about many special causes and conditions that Guanshiyin has with us living beings. The Dharani Sutra states that "Tathagata Light of Proper Dharma had become a Buddha in the past and now appears as Guanshiyin." The twelfth chapter of the Earth Store Sutra also mentions that Guanshiyin Bodhisattva has special affinities with those of us in the Saha World. From the sutras, we know that Guanshiyin Bodhisattva and Great Strength Bodhisattva were Amitabha Buddha's sons when Amitabha Buddha was a Wheel-Turning Sage King. When Amitabha retires and the first half of the night passes, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva will become the Buddha of the Land of Ultimate Bliss in the latter half of the night.

To be continued


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