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News from the Dharma Realm

Turning Garbage into Gardens

蔡麗麗 文 呂黛麗 中譯
ByLili Cai   Chinese translation by Daili Lyu

二月十八日星期四下午三點到六點 ,戴爾﹒席金斯教授將他的園藝課移至如來寺旁目前製做堆肥的地點,指導他的學生以及負責資源回收工作的幾位廚房執事人員,如何將聖城每日的廚房剩餘,轉化為一個成功的菜園。  






On the afternoon of Thursday, Feb. 18, between 3:00-6:00, Professor Dale Higgins took his landscaping class and members of the kitchen recycling crew to the compost site beside Tathagata Monastery. He showed them how to transform the City's daily kitchen refuse into a potential vegetable garden.

On a four foot by four foot plot, the group was shown a step by step method of building a compost heap from kitchen garbage that was collected during the day. He painstakingly demonstrated the entire process, explaining to the group the reason behind each step. One of the students, Charmaine, translated his instructions into Chinese.

Some members of the group busied themselves in digging the soil to aerate the piece of plot for the compost site. Others coordinated the supply of materials needed to make the compost heap. Some gathered a pile of oak leaves (not sycamore leaves), while others gathered manure. When piles of oak leaves and manure had been gathered, Professor Higgins asked the group to mix the two together. Then the kitchen garbage for the day was added in. The new heap was arranged into a 4' x 4' x 4' squarish mound. Another thin layer of manure was spread over the mound, and then the mound was sprinkled with approximately twenty gallons of bacteria-treated water.

The entire process took nearly three hours. It will take roughly three months for the heap to decompose and become ripe for vegetation. The mound has to be turned once a month. For the plot to turn into a vegetable garden, the process must be repeated every week. By adding to the plot bit by bit every week, we will soon have a site ready for plant growth.

Not only did Professor Higgins perform a hands-on demonstration of how to do a good compost, he also taught students the proper steps of turning the City's small plot into a potential vegetable garden by utilizing the daily kitchen debris.

Although the entire process seems tedious at the outset, if one were to look far ahead, the City should be able to address some problems such as minimizing flies during the fruit season and maintaining good sanitation.



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