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In Memory of Upasika Hsieh Ping-Ying

編輯室 By Editorial Staff













With Venerable Master Hua and Upasika Hsu I-Chun in a photo taken to commemorate the laywomen's cultivation in total seclusion in 1973. In front of Upasika Hiesh was Shari Epstien known as An-An then.

Upasika Hsieh Ping Ying passed away at age 93. I remember when she visited Gold Mountain Dhyana Monastery in April of 1972 to pay respects to the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua. Later she often came to Gold Mountain Dhyana Monastery, so we saw her frequently.

Fifty years ago Upasika Hsieh Ping Ying contributed an article to the Hong Kong Buddhist journal Xin Fa (Mind Dharma), founded by Venerable Master Hua. Although Upasika Hsieh was unable to meet the Venerable Master at that time, she planted a seed that would bear fruit more than a decade later in San Francisco when she visited Gold Mountain Dhyana Monastery and paid her respects to Master Hua in April, 1972.

An eminent writer and popular instructor of Chinese Literature and Composition at Taiwan Normal University in Taipei, Upasika Hsieh's career as an author spanned nearly eighty years and included more than sixty books and numerous articles.

Upasika Hsieh was also an ardent Dharma Protector and vigorously supported Buddhism for several decades. In the 1950's she decided to turn her exceptional talents as a writer to the support of Buddhism. When she tried to write on that topic, however, she found herself unable to set down a single word. Greatly discouraged, she sought the aid of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Soon she was able to write Buddhist articles with ease. For more than thirty years Upasika Hsieh contributed articles on Buddhism to numerous publications and published two books on Buddhism as well. Her literary contributions to Buddhism will live on to inspire generations to come.  

In 1972 Upasika Hsieh agreed to serve as Corresponding Advisor for Vajra Bodhi Sea. In 1974, Upasaka Hsieh received permission from the Venerable Master to enter into a period of seclusion at Gold Mountain Dhyana Monastery. Out of that experience came the following poems.

Deciding to Enter Seclusion
As to entering seclusion, I don't hesitate.
I pack my bags and go into the Way-place.
With three full bows, I make a full salute.
What need to discuss it or deliberate?

Entering Seclusion for the First Time
With Upasika Hsu I-Chun, a Knowledgeable Friend

My knowledgeable friend and I have come to Gold Mountain, Resolved we are to worship the Buddha.
Intent we are upon entering seclusion.
When we put an end to mundane emotions
How the white clouds will billow; how free our coming and going!  

Recollecting the Buddha
Wondrous beyond compare, the Buddhas' Dharma has no limit. Human life in this world is but a mote of dust.
If one can always recollect "Amitabha Buddha,"
Afflictions will melt away; liberation will be reached.

Thus, thus unmoving is the clear pure heart,
Which the seven emotions dare not invade.
Clear your mind, see your nature, investigate Chan and awaken. Mindful of the Buddha, what need is there to seek outside?

Vow of Silence
Entering seclusion is no ordinary matter.
Tho' I have a mouth, it is hard to speak,
as if I were deaf and dumb.
With one heart I seek
Only to be born in the West.

Reading a Sutra, Sketching a Sage's Image
Closed in a room, one corner still lets in the wind.
I am buried in a Sutra, bent upon bitter toil.
Under the lamplight, my brush whispers 'sha, sha' against the paper.
Lifting my head I suddenly notice that the sun is glowing red.

In Memory of My Mother
I haven't yet repaid her kindness, my Mother, now born in the West.
At midnight come thoughts of her; emotions of utter grief.
She's gone from this life; I will never see her again.
I can only hope to be in touch at the pool of the seven jewels.  

Personal Exhortation
I haven't much time left in this world.
If I don't cultivate now, what will become of me?
To save myself and rescue others is my vast vow.
Never again will I fall into the bitter river of love.

With Venerable Master Hua and Upasika Hsu I-Chun in a photo taken to commemorate the laywomen's cultivation in total seclusion in 1973. In front of Upasika Hsieh was Shari Epstein known as An-An then.



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