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Wishing to Save Living Beings Like Guanyin Bodhisattva
--Introducing Shramanerika Chin Yun Shi

祥雲 文 By Auspicious Cloud
心香 英譯 English translation by Heart Incense


13歲時全家遷美,在波摩那加州理工大學電子工程系畢業後 ,搬到西雅圖任職波音公司為測試工程師,一住 14年。

一日有耶和華見證會的傳教士來訪,談起自 己的宗教信仰時,才想更深一步認識佛教。在得知金峰寺正拜萬佛懺後,便在周末時去參加。那次拜了很多佛,一生都沒拜過那麼多佛!當時住持是比丘恒佐師,在中午說法時講了殺業的果報 ,聽後親雲師便斷葷了。以後便常上廟裏參加法會,也常上南傳寺廟去打坐、聽法。這時佛書越看越多,也越覺得佛經比其他任何佛書都可靠;看了三步一拜法師寫的書,認識了切實修行的重要性後, 1988即在金佛寺皈依,法名果雲。



When Shramanerika Chin Yun Shi first took refuge, someone asked her if she felt anything special. She said no, she didn't feel like a "born again" Buddhist; the conditions had naturally led up to her taking refuge. Growing up in the Buddhist country Myanmar, she often accompanied her mother to temples as a child.

When she was thirteen, her family moved to the United States. She graduated with an Electrical Engineering degree from Cal Poly at Pomona and moved to Seattle to work as a test engineer for Boeing, staying there for fourteen years.

After discussing her own religion with a Jehovah's Witness proselytizer one day, she decided to learn more about Buddhism. When she heard about the Ten Thousand Buddhas Repentance Ceremony at Gold Summit Monastery, she began to attend on weekends. During that time, she bowed to more Buddhas than she had ever bowed to in her whole life! After hearing the Managing Bhikshu, Heng Tso Shi, lecture on the retribution for killing, Chin Yun Shi became a vegetarian. She regularly participated in Dharma assemblies at the Monastery, and also meditated and listened to Dharma at a Theravada temple. As she read more about Buddhism, she found the Sutras more reliable than any other books on Buddhism. After reading the journals of the Three Steps One Bow monks, she realized the urgency of cultivation and took refuge at Gold Buddha Monastery in 1988, receiving the Dharma name Guo Yun.

In 1994 at the Venerable Master's birthday celebration at Long Beach Monastery, someone asked her if she wanted to become a nun. That question planted a Bodhi seed, and she resolved to leave home. She returned to Seattle, quit her job, and moved into Bodhidharma Center to lead a monastic life. On the Guanyin Bodhisattva's Leaving Home Day in 1999, she became a novice at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, receiving the name Chin Yun. Currently she is training as a novice. She aspires to adopt Guanyin Bodhisattva's vows to save living beings, and to emulate Guanyin Bodhisattva life after life.


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