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Lectures on Tao Yuanming's Poems (continued)

葉嘉瑩教授講 By Professor Yeh Chia-ying
郇若慧‧比丘尼恒音 英譯English translation by Josey Shun and Bhikshuni Heng Yin



「筌」是一種捕魚用的蔞子,是專門用來捕魚的 ,既然你把魚抓到了,這個作為工具用的簍子就不重要了;而語言是專門用來表達一個意思的,如果這個意思你已經懂了,領會了,那麼語言對你來說還有什麼意義呢?

這裏陶淵明說他在與大自然景物融合之中體味到了一種人生的意味,這時候他已經達到了一種「忘言」的境界;至於用什麼語言來說明這一切過程,已經不重要了。生活中經常會有這樣的情形,當你沒有得 到對一件事的真感受,真體驗時,你總是不停地說,可是當你真正得到的時候,你就不需要說了。所以陶淵明這時候要說「欲辨已忘言」。

好,我們上面把陶淵明這首詩與寒山的詩一比較 ,你就明白一首好詩,特別是一首好的哲理詩,它在有哲理的同時,還要有詩意,還要有詩人用自己生活體驗出的哲理與大自然,或者人世間的物象組合在一起而產生的真切感受。我們說陶淵明的詩好,就好在他這樣做了,而且他是把這兩者結合得最好的典範。好,今天我們就講到這裏了。


'No words' is an allusion. When a Chinese poet composes a poem, he usually infuses it with his own life as well as the experiences of people from ancient times. The Chinese use allusions, each with its own origin, frequently in their poems. Thus when one reads their poems, one is reminded of various related ideas.

'No words' originated from Zhuang Zi. Zhuang Zi was a great philosopher during the War Period in Chinese history. Zhuang Zi: The Outer Chapters says: "A basket is for fishing; there is no need for a basket after the fish are caught. Words are for expressing meaning; there is no need for words after the meaning is grasped."

A basket is used for catching fish. It becomes unimportant after you have captured the fish. Words serve to express meaning. Once you have comprehended the meaning, words are useless.

Tao Yuanming said that in the midst of nature, he had savored the meaning of life; he reached the state of wordlessness. At that point, it was not important to utilize language to explain things. In our daily life, we often come across this type of situation. When you actually don't have any feeling about or experience of a matter, you keep talking about it. But once you truly perceive the meaning, you are at a loss for words. Thus Tao Yuanming said, "No words can express …”  

After comparing of Tao Yuanming's poem to Han Shan's poem, you should understand that a good poem, especially a good philosophical poem, always carries both philosophy and poetic meaning, and the genuine feeling which is the combination of a poet's own life experience and the scenes of nature and the human world. Tao Yuanming's poems are considered excellent because he was able to do that. Furthermore, he provided us with a fine model. I will stop here today.  

 ~ To be continued


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