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Bringing Buddhism West: The Educational Challenge (Continued)

1998年7月24日臺灣中央研究院佛學研討會 July 24, 1998, Buddhist Studies Symposium at the Taiwan Academia Sinica
包果勒居士 講 By Doug Powers
比丘尼恒田 中譯 Chinese translation by Bhikshuni Heng Tyan


果勒居士:我根據我所知道的來提供我個 人膚淺的見解。當佛陀談到消業時,據我所知,佛陀是非常清楚的。他說修行出於個人在消自己的業的過程。換言之,你在你的生命的構架中消個人的業,這會開始影響到宇宙的業。這必需由人力來完成,由人來修行。我們可以談消業的不同方法。換句話說,消業有許多方法。我們可以發菩薩的心來作,在這個過程中 ,論及菩薩,這會是一個非常複雜的宇宙論。 但是你必需從這個觀點來看,因為消業即是個人的力量在促使世界的業往不同的方向轉。我們先從人的層次開始,乃至於帶進了菩薩的層次。這是必然要作的事情。


王教授:如何消業?《楞嚴經》講「凡所有相皆唯心所生,宇宙萬象皆唯心所現」。《金剛經》講「凡所有相皆是虛妄。」果勒居士以光學證實看,就是看「自己的心」,所以要是明白所有的心是假相,那「業」就會消。雲法師曾經談過,累劫以來造很多業猶如在黑暗的長巷裏,但是光明一照就解決了,這屬於「頓,悟」方面,當然「頓悟」可以用科學的術語 來解釋讓每個人都懂。

果勒居士:我看了王教授關於以簡化了的佛教哲學為本的科學著作。他是位物理博士,待他講演之後,我要介紹他所著的叢書。我希望更多人參與這項工作,目前只有少數人在從事這方面的工作。當我詢問柏克萊一位著名的神經生物學家,他是否很認真的在做有關於靜坐、生物神經、生態神經結構的原理的實驗時 ,就是說我們需要更嚴謹的科學工作來瞭解我們所討論的所謂聯繫。

佑博士:業的因果關係是以六因四緣為其 基本次序的,量子力學是否也談到六因四緣呢?例如遇熟因次第緣,這完全是心理現象,佛教的業報論也許可以跟量子力學有一些相互譬喻的相似性,但不可混為一談。

果勒居士:這是一個可以導致非常有趣的討論的領域。我是說我們在談一個討論的起始 及將談到一些技術上的細節。佛教徒應該講得讓物理學家可以理解。目前大家所知道的物理學家的限制是在於量子物理是以量子力學作為它的基礎的,而量子力學卻非一個完全的宇宙觀,它是以哥本哈根條約為準的。當量子物理學家瞭解到他們的量子模型有一些個矛盾及問題時,他們便在哥本哈根簽了一個條約,以哥本哈根條約來限制量子物理,令其與力學確定線路模型相稱,並不涉及其他的事項,因其製造太多問題。同時這個討論把所有的矛盾公開 ,以供研討,打開了這個起始的討論。







恒實師結論:今天有機會向各位報告「佛法在西方的弘揚與前瞻」,包括中國傳 統佛教在美國的歷史,及在西方建立佛教教育所面臨的挑戰,最後是西方科學家從佛法中學習的智慧,以佛教講慈悲就將來地球村還存在,希望能克服所有的戰爭,一定要融合邊際障礙大家團結合作。

最後講一個故事, 1978年中國天主教的于斌樞機主教來到美國,他是東北人,與宣公上人是同鄉,都是宗教領袖。上人說于樞機前生是修行人,今生來當樞機主教。上人請他到萬佛聖城,在萬佛殿千手千眼觀世音菩薩像前,上人向于斌樞機說:「我有個建議,你做天主教的佛教徒,我做佛教的天主教徒;這樣世界兩大宗教一團結,世界就沒有戰爭,你做不做? 」于斌樞機考慮後,一拍大腿說:「好,我做。」然後向觀世音菩薩問訊,以後兩大宗教領袖就合作。上人請于樞機擔任第一任世界宗教研究中心的名譽校長,可惜在他的精神受教化後,不久就圓寂往生了。所以我們用這種態度來做佛教在西方的前瞻,一定是會領導世界和平的。



Ms. Yang from Free Times: What do we do given the quantum model of karma if we want to seriously talk about eradicating karma?

Doug Powers: Well, I will just give my limited view. When the Buddha was talking about eradicating karma, the Buddha very clearly said that practice involves eradicating the karma within your own construct of your life. That then begins to affect the karma of the universe. It has to be done by the effort of a human being, through the practice of a human being. We could talk about different methods of doing that. In other words, there are many methods for eradicating karma. We could bring forth the resolve of a Bodhisattva. To talk about a Bodhisattva brings in a very complex cosmology. However, this view is necessary in a sense because eradication of karma would be the effort of each individual in turning the karma of the world in different direction. We begin on a human level and bring a Bodhisattva level to it. But the effort still has to be ours.

Dharma Master Sure: Buddhism uses the method of repentance and reform to eradicate karma. The power of repentance and reform is very great. We have to be sincere in order for it to be efficacious. Most people do not use the sincere mind to repent and reform. It is said that living beings are afraid of the result but not the cause, while Bodhisattvas are afraid of the cause but not the result. This is similar to the scientific model.

Prof. Wong: How do we eradicate karma? The Shurangama Sutra says, "All marks are produced from the mind alone, the myriad phenomena in the universe are manifested from the mind alone." The Vajra Sutra says, "All the marks are illusory." Mr. Powers has shown by optics, that each one should take a look at his own mind. We have to understand that all our minds are just false phenomena, then karma would be eradicated. Dharma Master Yun said that with the karma we have accumulated over eons in the past, it is as if we were in a dark alley; everything is resolved once light shines on it. This belongs to the sudden enlightenment aspect. Of course we could use scientific terminology to explain sudden enlightenment so that everyone understands.

Doug: Dr. Wong showed me his book on science based on simplified Buddhist philosophy. He has a Ph.D. in physics. After he finishes speaking, I would recommend his whole series of books.

He has been working on it. I hope more people work on this. This is an area that very few people have worked on yet. I've asked the major neural biologist at UC Berkeley, "Have you done any real serious experimentation on the facts of meditation, on the neural-biological, neurological construct in life mode?" More serious scientific work needs to be done to begin to realize the connectedness that many of you seem to be talking about.

Dr. You: Cause and effect of karma takes the six causes and the four conditions as its fundamental order. Does quantum physics also talk about the six causes and the four conditions? For instance, when a ripened cause encounters certain sequential conditions, this amounts to a psychological phenomenon. There may be similarities between karmic retribution in Buddhism and quantum physics, but they should not be mixed up.  

Doug: This is the realm where very interesting discussion could occur. This is only the very beginning of a discussion, and now we are beginning to talk about some of the technical details. Buddhists have to talk about these in a way that physicists could understand them. The limitation right now that physicists have, as most of you who understand physics know, is that quantum physics is based on quantum mechanics, which is not a complete cosmology at all. It is based on the Copenhagen Agreement. What happened was the quantum physicists realized they have a bunch of paradoxes and problems using the quantum models. So they agreed in Copenhagen (the Copenhagen Agreement) to limit what quantum physics could do to a level that would be compatible with the mechanical deterministic model of physics. Every other issue would be not looked at because it creates so many problems. This new attempt to create a cosmology opens up all of these paradoxes to potential discussion, but it is at its very beginning stages.

Prof. Luo: Can scientists finally understand causation and chance? Are they the same thing?  

Doug: Basically Christianity has established six principles that can be accepted by scientists. Whether or not the Western scientists can accept the ideas of causation and chance is based on the logical question of causation. The whole basis of quantum physics and any kind of scientific description is basically a discussion of causation. It is one frame of reference or another. As far as chance is concerned, this is the big change where quantum physics is taking the Heisenberg view of quantum physics. I quote from again another section here, "Chance is an idea useful for dealing with a world probably unknown to us. But it has no rational place among the ultimate constituents of nature." From a Heisenberg view that is being developed by people who are working on a cosmology now, they believe there is no room for chance if you want to find a description of the cosmic effect of nature. And that is exactly the point that Buddhism would have made all along about science up until this point.

Wisdom Torch Journal: Theravadan and Tibetan Buddhism are more readily accepted by Westerners. On the contrary, traditional Chinese Buddhism is not so readily accepted when it is propagated in the West. Why is that?  

Dharma Master Sure: There are two sects of Theravada. The Thailand sect adheres strictly to the Vinaya rules and austerities, which most Americans find difficult to accept.

Both Theravadan and traditional Chinese Buddhism observe the precepts strictly. Transmission takes time and Americans will eventually accept them. Vipassana in Theravadan Buddhism is very popular. If you prefer just to sit in meditation, then you may just sit. It is closer to science. It also reduces stress. It is a hybrid of Buddhism. It has become very popular since the requirement on ethics and precepts is not as stringent. This form of Southern Theravada is more readily accepted. Tibetan Buddhism is intimately associated with Hollywood. Times Magazine published a cover story on the life of the Dalai Lama. When Americans hear about Tibetan Buddhism, are they willing to accept it? Do they understand it? That also takes time. It is to be hoped that it will be truly transmitted to America and not just superficially. An English rock n' roll singer wishes that Dalai Lama could hypnotize him. As such, the entertainment world and the religious world have become closer. This is scary.

Conclusion by Dharma Master Sure: Today we've have the opportunity to report on the challenges and prospects in propagating the Buddhadharma in the West. That included the history of traditional Chinese Buddhism in America, the challenges of setting up Buddhist education in the West, and how scientists in the West have gathered wisdom from the Buddhadharma. With the kindness and compassion of Buddhism, may the global village survive and all warfare subside. May we overcome all obstacles and join together in harmony.

To wrap up, I will tell you a story. I think most people have heard of Cardinal Yubin of China. He was from Manchuria, like the Venerable Master. After they had both become religious leaders, they met for the first time in Los Angeles in 1978. The Venerable Master said that Cardinal Yubin had been a cultivator in the past who returned to be a cardinal in this life. The Venerable Master invited him to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. When Cardinal Yubin arrived at the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas, before the huge image of the Thousand-Handed and Thousand-Eyed Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, the Venerable Master told him, "I suggest that you be a Buddhist among the Catholics, and I be a Catholic among the Buddhists. When two of the major religions of the world unite, there will be no more contention. What do you say?' The Cardinal thought it over, then slapped his thigh and said, "Let's do it!" He then made a half bow to Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, after which the two religious leaders worked together. The Venerable Master appointed Cardinal Yubin as the first Honorary Vice-President of the Institute of World Religions. Unfortunately, [Yubin] passed away soon after his spiritual transformation. If we adopt this same attitude in anticipating the future of Buddhism in the West, world peace would certainly prevail.  


~ The End


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