萬佛城金剛菩提海 Vajra Bodhi Sea


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Excerpts from the Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom

龍樹菩薩著 Written by Bodhisattva Nagarjuna
姚秦三藏法師鳩摩羅什中譯 Translated into Chinese by Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva of the Yaoqin dynasty
法友英譯 Translated into English by Dharmamitra
大智度論卷第三-釋初品中住王舍城 P. 84
The City of the Kings' Abode (T25.76a8-c12[fasc.3])



後大成人,力能并兼諸國,王有天下;取諸國王萬八千人,置此五山中,以大力勢治閻浮提 ,閻浮提人因名此山為王舍城。


Question: Cities such as Sravasti, Kapilavastu and Varanasi each contain the domiciles of kings. Why then is this city alone referred to as "City of the Kings' Abode (Rajagrha)?"

Reply: There are people who say that the king of Magadha had a son who was born with a single head, but two faces and four arms. Because the people of the time took this to be inauspicious, the king sliced off the head from the body and then cast them aside in the wilderness. A female rakshasa ghost named Lila put the boy's body back together again and then suckled and raised him.  

Later he grew into a great man whose power rivaled that of all of the kings of the neighboring states. He established sovereignty throughout the country, and sent all of the former kings, eighteen thousand in all, to dwell together in the area surrounded by these five mountains. He used his great power to rule over all of Jambudvipa. Because of this, the people of Jambudvipa named this mountain "City of the Kings' Abode."  

~ To be continued


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