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A Collection of the Venerable Master's Rules:
Dissonance During Recitation Stimulates Tainted Thoughts and Afflictions

摩尼珠英譯English translation by Mani Pearl



二十多年以前我就說過,我說:「我是一個磚瓦匠,是個泥水匠,是個橋樑,是個道路,要修道的人,人人從我這個橋樑上到佛國去成佛去,人人走我這個道路;要行菩薩道的,人人住我這個磚瓦泥匠造的廟,來在這個廟裡成佛。」我說:「我啊!是造活菩薩、活羅漢的,不是就這麼隨隨便便的。」所以萬佛城,外邊說我們道風好,我們要顧名思義;說萬佛城規矩嚴,那我為什麼還在這兒不守規矩?萬佛城是真正修道的地方 ,我為什麼在這兒不修道?為什麼我在這兒要躲懶偷安?我為什麼要在這個地方來混光陰?到了萬佛城都要發萬萬分的修道的心,不可以懶惰,那麼隨便。

現在我預備請各國的高僧大德,到我們萬佛城來弘揚佛法,真正的佛教我們要把它現出來,我們現出來這個時代和佛住世的時候一樣的。我們將來 是要把佛陀的教義讓人人都要明白;學教的,人人最低限度要能講幾部經,念佛的,要一天到晚不停地念佛,參禪的一天到晚不停地參禪;給你機會來用功,給你機會來了生死,你再要不了生死,那就佛也難救度你了,所以各位不要把光陰都空過了。


不論說什麼,都是在打閒岔,我們想要了生死 ,還要大家把你的話頭提起來,把你的妄想放下,把你的私欲雜念、嫉妒障礙都捨棄了它,然後才能得到功夫相應;你如果不這樣子,你願意打妄想,不怕浪費你的光陰,我也沒有法子管著你的心。





Past Chan sessions at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB) were rather casual. There was no serious discussion of the rules. Buddha recitation sessions were not that serious either. Why not? Because this nation is uncivilized. It's a nation where everyone does as he or she pleases. Buddhism has not become rooted here. Without roots, if we say this is not okay and that is not permitted, it will not be easy to establish a Way-place. That's why I accept both good people and those who are not good. There are people from all parts and all walks of life here. In the future when we get serious about cultivation, the dragons will have to coil up and the tigers will have to lie down. Everyone will have to behave and do things in the proper way. No matter what you do, you will not be allowed to err in the slightest.

"If you err by a hair at the start, you'll miss the mark by a thousand miles." In the future we should establish a Chan Hall, a Buddha Recitation Hall, a place for lecturing Sutras, a place for lecturing the Vinaya, and a place for the Secret School. We should have all the schools of Buddhism. We want to build a genuine, new Bodhimanda in this country, and create Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

Over twenty years ago, I said, "I am a mason, a construction worker, a bridge, and a road. I want all cultivators to walk over my bridge and take my road to a Buddhaland where they become Buddhas. I want those walking the Bodhisattva Way to live in the monasteries I build as a mason and construction worker, so that they become Buddhas." I said, "I am building living Bodhisattvas and living Arhats; I can't be slapdash about it." Others praise the spirit of practice at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. We must contemplate to see if we live up to our reputation: "The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is said to have strict rules. Then why don't I follow the rules? The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas is a place of true cultivation. Then why don't I cultivate? Why am I being lazy? Why am I idling my time away?" When we arrive at CTTB, we must cultivate with absolute sincerity. Laziness and sloppiness are impermissible.

I am planning to invite eminent monks and virtuous Buddhists from every nation to come to CTTB to propagate the Buddhadharma. We must make genuine Buddhism clear and manifest. We must show that the present age is the same as the Buddha's time. We want every single person to understand what the Buddha taught. Each person who studies the teachings must be able to lecture at least a few Sutras. Those who recite the Buddha's name should do so all day long without a break. Those who meditate should investigate their meditation topics continuously from morning to night. We are giving you the opportunity to practice and liberate yourself from birth and death. If you fail to do so, then even the Buddha would have a hard time saving you. Don't let the time go by in vain. "A moment of time is a moment of life." Once the time goes by, you can never retrieve it. Don't consume the monastery's food in vain and sit around wasting time and waiting to die. Such people are not welcome at CTTB. If you are like that, you had better change right away, or else don't expect to live at CTTB. CTTB is for true cultivators. Don't think you can put up a false front and hang out here.

Any kind of talk is an interruption. If you want to end birth and death, you must all keep your meditation topic in mind. Let go of your discursive thoughts, desire, jealousy, and obstructiveness. Then you will succeed in your practice. If, however, you indulge in discursive thoughts and carelessly idle your time away, I have no way to control your mind.

The (Chinese character for) "mind" 心 is described thus:  

Three dots like a cluster of stars,
A curve like the cresent moon.
Furred creatures arise from it;
Buddhas come from it, too.

If people wish to understand
All Buddhas of the Three Periods of Time,
Contemplate the nature of the Dharma Realm:
Everything is made from the mind alone.  

If you create a heaven, you can ascend to heaven. If you create a hell, you'll descend into hell. You control the situation.  

Venerable Master: If there are any questions, you may ask.  

~ The End


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