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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in Water and Mirrors:Reversing the Tide of Destiny

 A Critique ofMr. Chiang Kai-Shek

Essay, verses and commentary by Venerable Master Hua at Gold Mountain Monastery Jaanuary 24, 1986
王隆琴 英譯 English translation by Maggie Richards

先生留學扶桑,得優人心傳。為孫中山先生賞識。北伐成功,威名顯赫,功業卓著,為民國之傑出人才。惜用人不當 ,智能不普,私而廢公,重用奴才。然諾之士,諂媚之徒,結黨逢迎,投機取巧。以致眾叛群離,身敗名裂,敵者快 ,而擁者怨。避居寶島,終老餘年,此誠中國百姓之一大憾事也。希世界各國元首自警!


蔣介石少年得志,當時若是好好的幹,把中國看成一個,和哪一方面也不分彼此遠近,所謂「普天下之下,莫非王土;率土之濱,莫非王臣」,全中國都歸你管了,你怎麼還分這是我的嫡系 ,那是疏遠的,這樣的話,誰還敢接近 你?因此以後把中國搞不好了。

蔣介石先生,名中正,湖江奉化人 ,留學扶桑,他留學日本學軍事,得倭人心傳。日本人軍事上的知識他都得到了;日本人那套小小氣氣的作風,他也得到心傅,真所謂「近朱者赤,近墨者黑」。還有日本人那種無論你怎樣對他好,他都要害你的那種壞,他也學到了。他回國以後,風雲際會遇到孫中山,為孫中山先生賞識,認為他青年有為,因此很提拔他,以後北伐成功。







草莽英雄將出山 僥倖成功人膽寒
心狹性窄難容諫 公報私仇易招冤
智者遠離庸俗近 直耿緘默讒暢言
悲哉華夏多災障 炎黃應當種善緣


「草莽英雄將出山」:這是「蔣」字「草」字加上「將」字,就成「蔣」字 。「僥倖成功人膽寒」:他是不擇手段成功的,所以人人都很恐懼他,就是幫著他的人也很怕他,因為知道他的來路不明,事情做得不太好。

「心狹性窄難容諫」:他的心又狹性又窄,又剛復自用,誰對他說真話他都不願意聽。「公報私仇易招冤」:以前他未得志之時,誰對他有一點不好他都要報仇 ,所以這裏頭招了一些冤氣。


「悲哉華夏多災障」:這真是中國的不幸,出了這麼一個人! 「炎黃應當種善緣」:所以中國人應該多做善事,結善緣;種善緣,將來中國就會吉祥,而國運亦會好轉。


Having studied abroad in Japan, he received inheritance true to the Japanese. Promoted by Mr. Sun Yat-Sen and having triumphed in the Northward Expedition, Chiang became renowned and celebrated for his success. He was an outstanding talent during the Republic. Unfortunately, he employed people poorly. His knowledge and abilities were wanting. Forsaking public good for private gains, he relied heavily on servile individuals. Yes-men and sycophants assembled and swarmed around him. Excessive risk-taking and maneuvering led to rebellions and departures, loss of Chiang's life and reputation. Chiang's enemies were ecstatic while his supporters were resentful. Consequently, he retreated to and spent the rest of his life on the island of Formosa. That was indeed one of the major misfortunes for citizens of China. I hope that heads of states around the world will take note!  

Chiang Kai-Shek realized many of his goals at a young age. Only if he had envisioned and worked earnestly toward unified China rather than discriminating between differences, including those distant and close to him. As the aphorism goes, "You could have ruled over every part of the world. You could have had representation in every part of the territory." The entire China belonged to him, yet he distinguished between political cronies and distant associates. Who would have dared to approach him in that case? He mishandled China.

Mr. Chiang Kai-Shek, whose alias is Zong-Zheng, is a native of Fonghua County, Zhejiang Province. Having studied abroad in Japan, he received inheritance true to the Japanese. He studied military affairs overseas. He not only inherited the best of the Japanese military intelligence, but their petty ways as well, living up to the words of the adage, "Turning ruddy next to rouge and turning dark next to jet-black ink." He also learned to be mean regardless of how kind others may be to him. Upon his return to China, he met Sun Yat-Sen at a gathering of influential leaders. Promoted by Mr. Sun Yat-Sen. Sun Yat-Sen recognized the young man's potential, so he mentored and promoted his ascent. Soon, Chiang prevailed with the Northward Expedition. Though at that time he had claimed that he would not attack Zhang Zuo-Lin, he stealthily stirred up discord and disunity within the opposition. As a result, Fong Yu-Xiang attacked Wu PeiFu. This was all right since military men frequently replicated their malicious tactics. However, after Chiang's victory, he should not have had his line of armies commit massacre against their own kind, bringing to demise various factions within his troupe.

Speaking of military affairs, Fong Yu-Xiang was a whiz at commanding his soldiers. Chiang Kai-Shek further did not know how to administrate a country. Because you can lead an army doesn't mean you can lead a country. Since he didn't know how to administer a country, he mostly used country bumpkins and crawlers rather than talents and leaders.

And having triumphed in the Northward Expedition, Chiang became renowned and celebrated for his success. He was an outstanding talent during the Republic. He was an extraordinary leader in the Chinese people's minds too; however, he lost whatever accomplishments he had because he failed to be one. Unfortunately, he employed people poorly. His knowledge and abilities were wanting. Forsaking public good for private gains, he relied heavily on servile individuals and creeps. He used a bunch of yes-men. These yes-men agreed with everything that Chiang said. If people had disagreed with Chiang Kai-Shek, they would have been fired. You can't run a country based on such an attitude. To manage a country you must accept critiques that come pouring in. If people deride you for your mistakes, you must reflect rather than hold on to your view stubbornly. You must work until people believe you are correct. To govern a nation, you must be open to criticism since collective wisdom benefits everyone. If people say you're mistaken, you should emulate Emperor Yao who instituted the "drum of disapproval." People who experience any injustice may beat the drum and voice their condemnation publicly. That's democracy at its best. Chiang Kai-Shek wasn't this way, however, he paid special attention to the words of yes-men.

Yes-men and sycophants are those who flatter and grovel. They assembled and swarmed around him, exercising excessive risk-taking and maneuvering. People formed a tight-knit group so that with one call by an insider, the rest of the gang agreed to overpower others. During a meeting, an initiative passes because you agree and so I agree. This crew catered to Chiang, singing whatever tune he wanted to hear. Therefore, Chiang Kai-Shek's deliberations were incomplete; he couldn't take care of various aspects of China because he failed to see them. His selfishness led to the abandonment of the public. He only attended to his personal needs rather than civic cries. Hence, members of his staff were servile rather than talented. He hired them purely on the basis of personal connections-they were either family members, in-laws, or natives of his hometown. Unless one belonged to such a category, he would have disregarded them despite their talents and abilities. He was therefore unable to retain gifted individuals. True talents refused to flatter and cater to him; they set their hearts on benefiting the nation and its people.  

This led to rebellions and departures. Everyone betrayed Chiang. The public found him disreputable; they no longer held him dear to their hearts or in high esteem. At that time, those interested in high risks and shortcuts came around. Later the loss of Chiang's life and reputation took place. He suffered every step of the way and completely smeared his repute. Chiang's enemies were ecstatic while his supporters were resentful and reproachful. Since Chiang couldn't hold on to mainland China, he ran off to Taiwan. Consequently, he retreated to and spent the rest of his life on the island of Formosa. This was still a happy ending for him. Although his end wasn't so bad, the Chinese citizens were devastated. That was indeed one of the major misfortunes for citizens of China. It was quite damaging. I hope that heads of states around the world will take note! Let Chiang Kai-Shek, an inferior model of wisdom, serve as a warning to us all.

Bucolic hero Chiang, a general who left the mountains, Had succeeded by chance, sending chills up people's spines. Petty and narrow-minded, he was adverse to criticism. Seeking public vengeance for private grudges, he naturally drew resentment. Wise ones distanced themselves while banal ones closed in. Silent were the straightforward ones while flatterers freely spoke. An ominous China with many a disaster and harm; Offspring of the Yellow Emperor, plant affinities benign!  

Bucolic hero Chiang, a general who left the mountains. The Chinese character contains the radical "grass", which is implied in bucolic, and the radical "general" to make up Chiang. Had succeeded by chance, sending chills up people's spines. He disregarded the means for the sake of a successful end. Hence everyone feared him, including his assistants. They were unclear about his intentions, which appeared to be random, as well as the fact that Chiang did not do things so well.

Petty and narrow-minded, he was adverse to criticism. He was small-minded and begrudging in disposition. Obstinate and stubborn, he refused to hear truths from anyone. Seeking public vengeance for private grudges, he naturally drew resentment. He sought revenge against anyone on his black list before he became successful.

Wise ones distanced themselves while banal ones closed in. Wise people such as Zhou Enlai scuttled away. Although the two had been schoolmates at the Huangpu Military Academy, Chiang Kai-Shek refused to use Zhou Enlai. Instead, the unintelligent drew near to him. Silent were the straightforward ones while flatterers freely spoke. Selfless and civic-minded individuals dared not to speak. Only those who cajoled talked all day long.

An ominous China with many a disaster and harm. What ill luck for this person to have emerged in China! Offspring of the Yellow Emperor, plant affinities benign! The Chinese should do more good deeds and plant wholesome affinities so that China will experience auspiciousness and its fate will take a turn for the better.  

The End  



The End


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