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Some Thoughts on the Buddha Recitation Session

A talk by Shramanera Chin Feng at the Buddha Hall, City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, on the evening of December 23, 1999, during the Buddha Recitation Session
武曉 英譯 English translation by Wu Xiao


但是經過在萬佛城 6、7 年的熏陶,我的觀念上起了根本的變化。最近我唸佛,唸著唸著每一句都嚐到法喜的滋味了。一聲聲就像兒子對母親的呼喚;像長久在外流浪的遊子,突然踏入家門見到母親時,喚母的那種感覺。人在世上飄蕩久了,人世滄桑,世態炎涼,歲月中累積的憂傷,吃的苦,受的氣和冤枉,全部蘊積在心裡,久之化為一種毒。這種毒能使你身心疲敝,有活得很累的感覺。這幾天唸佛,就像熱湯銷雪一樣,將我長久蘊積在內的這種毒化掉了。淚水一流出來,我就輕鬆許多,心中也多了一重光明和快樂。



Venerable Master, Good Advisors: To tell you the truth, I did not particularly like the Dharma door of Buddha Recitation in the beginning. To me, the Land of Ultimate Bliss was nothing more than a mirage. Only last year did I slowly begin to have faith in this Dharma door. Our ordinary eyes cannot perceive a person's rebirth, yet that person's death seems real enough. Thus, when I recited the Buddha's name, I could never get rid of the gloomy feeling of death.

After six or seven years at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, I have come to see things differently. Recently, every time I recite the Buddha's name, I savor the joy of Dharma. In every recitation, I feel like a son calling out to his mother, like a long-wandering son who suddenly walks into his own home and sees his mother. After drifting in the world for a long time, experiencing political and social upheavals and the fickleness of relationships, the sorrow, woe, resentment, and grief built up in my heart and turned to poison. This poison wore me out physically and mentally, making me weary of life. These few days of reciting the Buddha's name have melted the snow of that long-accumulated poison like hot water. After the tears poured out, I felt quite a bit better. My mind has been filled with light and happiness.

Two years ago, I had a student from Taiwan. In Taiwan, he had been under a lot of pressure to study. He went to one remedial class after another, until he nearly went crazy. One time after he had come to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas to study, tears started streaming down his face during the Eighty-Eight Buddhas Repentance at evening recitation. Later, he wrote an essay describing those days of misery [in Taiwan]. He said that coming to the City to study was a pivotal point in his life.

Therefore, to certain Buddhists for whom rebirth is not an especially urgent concern, one might tell them about the other advantages of reciting the Buddha's name, which they might find more useful. Then, later, they may gradually be drawn to the Pure Land practice.


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