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Offering Mind and Body to the Myriad Buddhas’ Lands—Introducing Pamela Haines

潘蜜拉 文 By Pamela Haines
青楠 中譯 Chinese translation by Qingnan





I was born in Independence, Missouri, but have always moved around a lot. Early on, I noticed that the doctrine of impermanence was woven into the fabric of my life, along with illness, suffering, old age, and death. One day in the early '70's, I suddenly realized the interconnectedness of all things and immediately changed my life, becoming vegetarian and changing professions from Account Executive to Potter.

I studied Taoism, ceramics, photography, printmaking, poetry and other arts, and eventually made my way to a Zen Center where I took refuge and received the Three Pure Precepts and The Ten Precepts in 1990. Soon after, I learned that Dharma Master Heng Sure, whom I had neither met nor known about previously, was my cousin and, eventually, we met. After my teacher passed away, Dharma Master Heng Sure introduced me to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, where I moved in January, 1998 with my husband, Walter White, an architect, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease.

Last April, Mr. White was moved to a care facility and I joined the program to prepare to become a novice. I really appreciate the practices here. I eat one meal a day, work and practice. This is my life now. Whatever I can do for this Way-place and for the Buddhadharma in the West–this is what I want to do. Even though I never met Master Hua in person, I feel that he has brought me here, and that I know him through his disciples in the community.

Presently, I am teaching in the Shami [novice] program; videotaping; working in the kitchen; attending classes in Sanskrit, and on the Brahma Net Sutra; and working on the Avatamsaka Sutra. it's such a blessing–working on this Sutra. Already, I feel like "Old Lady Bag-of-Bones with the Big Stack of Sutras!"


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