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Bringing Buddhism West: The Educational Challenge

1998年7月24日臺灣中央研究院佛學研討會 July 24, 1998, Buddhist Studies Symposium at the Taiwan Academia Sinica
比丘尼恆音 英譯 English translation by Bhikshuni Heng Yin












Bhikshu Heng Sure: The Buddha was an educator; he taught the Dharma for forty-nine years. His teaching worked on the mind, helping people to transform afflictions. He taught people of all classes in India. It is recorded that in the Tang Dynasty, Buddhist monasteries set up free schools providing education in the Confucian tradition and teaching such texts as the Three Character Classic, the Hundred Surnames, the Standards for Students to young children. Chinese education has always emphasized character development and virtue. Now the United States is slowly beginning to accept traditional Chinese educational values. Having studied the Buddha- dharma under the Venerable Master Hua for twenty-two years, I saw how the Master taught children the lofty values of the Buddha's teachings. As I grew more familiar with the Master's ideas and work, I decided to take him as my model.

For the past one thousand years, Western education has basically been promoted by religious groups. Priests taught children the Bible, instilling religious ideas into their young minds, hoping they would grow up to be believers. Harvard, Yale, and Boston University all began as Catholic seminaries, which goes to show how popular Catholic education was and how many talented individuals they educated. However, Western education drew a clear division between heaven and earth: God is in heaven, and people are on earth. They did not embrace the concept of morality arising from the inner mind. Since heaven and earth were clearly separated, people had no sense of integrity and became rather utilitarian. Such education focused on fame and profit. Traditional Chinese morality, however, rejects the pursuit of fame and profit. This is one major difference between Chinese and Western educational philosophy. The Buddha was an educator. Buddhism and education go hand in hand. Monks and nuns find teaching to be one form of practice.

The establishment of traditional Buddhist education in the West may be based upon Confucian ideas of morality. However, this may be a challenge in Catholic countries. Buddhism teaches that human beings are one small part of the universe. The human body is a temporary combination of the four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind. When the body decays, the female or yin part returns to the earth, the male or yang part to the sun, the wet part to the ocean, and the wind to space. Thus, human beings are connected to the universe. How could they become separate? Education is the quest to understand the Great Way, to walk the Great Way, and to recognize the place of humanity in the universe.

The basic Buddhist teaching is that all living beings have the potential to become Buddhas. Sagehood can be achieved; wisdom can be cultivated. Everyone has a chance, provided he or she practices the principles of the Great Way. The Venerable Master Hua conveyed the orthodox Buddhist doctrine: the basic purpose of cultivation is to attain ultimate liberation from birth and death, and it begins with character development. That's why the Venerable Master advocated that every monastery must have a classroom. He also emphasized the importance of filial respect in elementary education. I will tell you a true story about filiality later.

The Venerable Master established elementary and secondary schools as well as a university. Among the graduates of Instilling Goodness Elementary School and Developing Virtue Secondary School are those working towards a Ph.D. at Stanford University and studying at M.I.T. and Harvard.

At a lecture to UNESCO in Paris on October 24, 1990, the Venerable Master declared that education is bankrupt in the West. An education that encourages students to seek fame and profit has neglected the fundamental to pursue the superficial. An education that forgets man's place in the universe is an unprincipled education. In order to rescue an education gone bankrupt, the Venerable Master promoted filial respect as the educational goal of elementary school, humaneness and tolerance as the goals of secondary school, and great compassion as the objective of the university.

On the American Independence Day in 1979, the Venerable Master announced at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas that he would provide any student in financial need with a tuition-free education at Dharma Realm Buddhist University. This was his way to thank this country for allowing him to be here.

The Master had a special method of teaching called "Developing Inherent Wisdom." The Master would specify a given work, such as the Confucian Analects, the Mencius, the Writings of Zhuang Zi, or the Classic of Filiality. Students would review the assigned text before class, and the Master would draw lots to see who would have to go up front to write out the text from memory and then explain it. One member from each of the four assemblies (monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen) would go up and explain, and then one more person would be chosen to critique their explanations. Finally, the Venerable Master would give an overall conclusion. Gradually, the assembly realized the advantages of memorizing Sutras and developed their speaking and critical thinking skills in this class.

Would this educational approach be able to save Western education from bankruptcy? While teaching at the Graduate Theological Union of the University of California at Berkeley, I experimented with this method. My students, ministers and priests, studied and memorized the Confucian Analects in English translation. Their background of religious training made the experience especially interesting. Although Confucius taught his ideas several thousand years ago, we recognized his wisdom as we delved into the Analects. Thus, I found the Master's method of developing inherent wisdom to be an excellent approach.

To conclude, I would like to tell a story. One of the classes I taught, "Ethical Concepts in Buddhism and Confucianism," focused on filial piety. Richard, a minister from the South, said, "I never thought I'd take this course. I really don't get along with my dad. I haven't talked to him for five years. I would never call him on the phone. I don't know how I ended up in this class!" However, he decided to stay in the class and try it out. I introduced stories from the Classic of Filiality, the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva, the Ullambana Sutra, and the Twenty-four Paragons of Filiality. We also made a fieldtrip to a senior center. Richard was a priest in a senior center and showed great respect to the elderly. What a pity he couldn't get along with his own father! The class took a fieldtrip to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, where they visited Instilling Goodness Elementary School and Developing Virtue Secondary School. The girls recited Standards for Students from memory for them...

The last class of the semester, students had to hand in their reports and share their insights with the rest of the class. When it was Richard's turn to go up, he sighed and said, "I'm surprised at myself by calling my dad on the phone yesterday and telling him from my heart, "Dad, I was wrong! I ought to respect and obey you." Some who heard him were moved to tears.

Confronted with people of a different educational background in the United States, the Venerable Master made no mistake when he stated that filial respect can save the country. This precious virtue of filial respect which we have inherited is a fundamental principle of humanity.

The End


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