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Excerpts from the Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom

龍樹菩薩著Written by Bodhisattva Nagarjuna
姚秦三藏法師鳩摩羅什中譯Translated into Chinese by Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva of the Yaoqin dynasty
法友英譯Translated into English by Dharmamitra




Buddha's Absolute Equanimity
(T25.71a29-71b13 [fasc.2])

In the case of one like the Buddha, the World Honored One, were someone to take up a knife and cut off one arm while someone else were to anoint the other arm with sandalwood fragrance, in his mind there would be no hatred towards the one nor affection towards the other in just the same way as there would be no particular enmity towards his own left eye nor a favoring affection towards his own right eye. This is because he has become eternally without residual traces [of the fetters].

In the midst of the Great Assembly, Ciñcā, the Brahman woman, wearing a bowl [beneath her clothes], slandered the Buddha, declaring, "You got me pregnant! Why do you show no concern? You should provide me with clothing and food!" She acted that way, shamelessly attempting to deceive and delude others. Then five hundred Brahman leaders all raised up their arms, yelling, "It is so! It is so! We are all aware of this affair!"

At that time the Buddha had no change in countenance, nor did he have an appearance of humiliation. This matter was immediately exposed [as fraudulent], for the earth quaked mightily, the gods made offerings, scattering a profusion of rare blossoms and praising the virtues of the Buddha. And in that the Buddha made no expression of delight.

Moreover, when the Buddha was once compelled to eat the feed grain of horses, he was not disheartened by that. And when the King of the Gods offered up delicacies replete with the hundred flavors, he was not moved to pleasure on account of that. He was of a single mind which was nondual. Amidst offerings of all kinds of food and drink, clothing and bedding, and amidst all manner of praise, blame, slighting, and displays of reverence, his mind did not change: it is like real gold, which can be smelted, forged, wrought, and polished, all without either increase or decrease. On account of [qualitative differences such as] these, although the Arhats have cut off the fetters, they still retain residual traces of them and thus are not deserving of the appellation, "Bhagavat."

English translation © 1996 Dharmamitra.
All rights reserved. 
Reprinted with permission of Kalavinka.


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