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The Dharma Flower Sutra with Commentary

卷四 勸持品第十三

Roll Four, Chapter Thirteen: Exhortation to Maintain

宣化上人講Commentary by theVenerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄翻譯 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised Version

世尊自當知 濁世惡比丘
不知佛方便 隨宜所說法
惡口而顰蹙 數數見擯出
遠離於塔寺 如是等眾惡
念佛告敕故 皆當忍是事


諸聚落城邑 其有求法者 我皆到其所 說佛所矚法
我是世尊使 處眾無所畏 我當善說法 願佛安隱住
我於世尊前 諸來十方佛 發如是誓言 佛自知我心




As the World Honored One himself knows,
In the turbid age, evil Bhikshus,
Not knowing of the Buddha's expedients
Whereby the Dharma is spoken appropriately,
Will frown and speak ill of us,
Repeatedly banishing us
From stupas and temples.
So will be the host of evils,
And yet, recollecting the Buddha's command,
We shall bear up under these events.

As the World Honored One himself knows, /In the turbid Dharma-ending age of the five turbidities, evil Bhikshus—left home people who slander other left home people—not knowing of the Buddha's expedients, / Whereby the Dharma is spoken appropriately according to living beings' dispositions, will frown and speak ill of us. They will screw up their faces into a frown and scold us. They will be intent upon repeatedly banishing us from stupas and temples. The word "repeatedly" occurs in the Analects: "If you repeatedly criticize your emperor in serving him, you will be insulted. If you repeatedly criticize your friends, they will grow distant." If you go on and on about the emperor's shortcomings, you are bound to be insulted. You can exhort your friend to change his faults once or twice, but if you do it too many times, he or she will grow distant from you. The Sutra text says that the evil Bhikshus will ostracize us and kick us out of the Way places. So will be the host of evils. That's how they will treat us, until we can hardly tolerate it. And yet, recollecting the Buddha's command, remembering that the Buddha told us to be patient, we shall bear up under these events and we won't get angry at such evil people.

If there are those who seek the Dharma
In the villages, cities, and towns,
We will go to those places
To speak the Dharma entrusted to us by the Buddha.
We are the World Honored One's emissaries,
Dwelling fearlessly among the multitudes.
We speak the Dharma skillfully,
And hope the Buddha will remain at peace.
We, in the presence of the World Honored One
And before the Buddhas who have come from the ten directions,
Make vows such as these,
And the Buddha himself knows our thoughts.

If there are those who seek the Dharma /In the villages, cities, and towns, / We will go to those places / To speak the Dharma entrusted to us by the Buddha, to speak the Dharma Flower Sutra. We are the Buddha's emissaries and so we should do the Buddha's work. Dwelling fearlessly among the multitudes, / We speak the Dharma skillfully. In keeping with our vows, we will speak of the Real Mark of all Dharmas. And hope the Buddha will remain at peace in the Land of Eternal Stillness and Light, and not worry about the propagation of the Dharma Flower Sutra. We, in the presence of the World Honored One, /And before the Buddhas who have come from the ten directions, /Make vows such as these. In the presence of Shakyamuni Buddha, Many Jewels Buddha, and all of Shakyamuni's division-body Buddhas who have come from the ten directions, we make these vows, and the Buddha himself knows our thoughts. The Buddha knew anyway. We didn't have to tell him. Our minds are made up to protect and propagate the Dharma Flower Sutra. The entire assembly has this wish and hereby makes this vow."

This chapter, "Exhortation to Maintain," exhorts all living beings to read, recite, maintain, listen to, and expound the Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra. All Bodhisattvas, Bhikshus, and Bhikshunis make vows to propagate this Sutra. This chapter was spoken to influence all people to cultivate according to the Dharma Flower Sutra, so that they can realize Buddhahood.

Strangely enough, on the last day of lecturing this chapter, the translator is (Bhikshuni) Heng Chih ("constantly maintain"). "Exhortation to Maintain" exhorts us to constantly maintain the Dharma Flower Sutra by reading and reciting it. This is quite inconceivable. Thinking of her name, you should constantly maintain this Sutra. Heng Chih once wrote a poem that goes:

The fruit must be attained
Through cultivation of blessings and virtue.
Constantly be mindful of samadhi and wisdom.
Maintain precepts and become a Buddha.

I read this poem a long time ago, but I haven't forgotten it, because it's pretty good. Since she translated this chapter today, I hope  everyone will resolve to "constantly maintain"   the Dharma Flower Sutra.

                 To be continued


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