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Dharma Companions Gather at Wonderful Enlightenment Mountain
- Introducing Young Shramanera Guo Zhan Shi

慕賢 編輯 Compiled by Mu Xian
仰聖 英譯 English translation by Yang Sheng






Guo Zhan Shi, who is from Taiwan, has always been understanding. He grew up in a family strongly influenced by Buddhism. One of his aunts became a Buddhist nun even before he was born. When he was in the third grade, his whole family went to Taipei to bow the Samadhi Water Repentance on behalf of his twin sister who was in poor health. Guo Zhan Shi bowed very sincerely. When the Venerable Master went to Taiwan in 1993 to accept disciples into the Sangha, Guo Zhan Shi went to observe the ceremony. When he first saw the Master, his tears fell un­controllably. He told the Master he wished to go to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB). The Master tapped his head three times and said, "Okay! Come soon!"

That year Guo Zhan Shi came to CTTB to attend the Boys School. Be­fore long he wanted to leave the home-life, so he told his mother of his in­tent. Although it was unbearably painful for Guo Zhan Shi's mother to agree, she bravely wrote on his application, "I fully support my son's wish to leave the home-life." At the end of 1993, the Venerable Master person­ally shaved Guo Zhan Shi's head and he became a novice monk.

After leaving home, Guo Zhan Shi and other novice monks lived at Long Beach Monastery with the Venerable Master, who personally taught them the Forty-two Hands and Eyes, and arranged special classes and good teachers to instruct them. The Master gave frequent instructional talks to the novices, emphasizing that they should spend more time memorizing and reading "The Song of Enlightenment" by Great Master Yongjia, as it would help them in their cultivation.

In the past five years, Guo Zhan Shi has diligently followed the Master's instructions. He hopes that in his cultivation he will not seek the Dharma outside the mind or be greedy for external states. Instead, he hopes to cultivate honestly and concentrate on his daily practice in order to eradicate habits accumulated in ages past and develop his resolve for Bodhi. This year Guo Zhan Shi passed the California High School Proficiency Exam.

Half a year after Guo Zhan Shi joined the Sangha, his twin sister, Guo Ying Shi, and their father, Heng Chiang Shi, also joined the Sangha under the Venerable Master. Walking the Bodhi path that transcends the world, the whole family unites at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.


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