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The Shurangama Sutra With Commentary

卷八 Roll Eight

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院紀錄翻譯 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version




我方才念這個經是道教的,叫〈無上玉皇心印妙經〉。他們認為這是寶貝了。真的啊!就煉這個煉精化氣;煉氣化神;煉神還虛;煉虛還無的這種功夫 ,他們可以到空中去走去,可以出玄入牝,這叫空行仙。

世間上很多奇奇怪怪巧妙的東西,不過你沒看見。現在道教賣一本叫〈五柳仙蹤〉的書,那晝的圖上一個人頭頂 上出小人;小人又出小人,出了很多小人,這就是千百億萬化身了。實際上這完全是著相的。千百億萬化身不需要這麼麻煩去化去的。那是隨意變化,不是一定的。


前邊那是空行,現在這個跑到天上去了叫天行。「堅固津液」:怎麼叫津?你舌頭抬起來,舌頭尖頂上顎,就有 津從上面下來。外道又叫甘露水,又叫天河水,有很多的名稱。上邊下來這叫津;你把它嚥到肚裏去就叫液。津液,其實也是一個:津也就是液;液也就是津。這種津液,道教又叫很多的名稱,也叫長生不老藥。他講你吃這個就可以長生不老的。


現在我們這地方有一個果佩,就是聞天,你知道那個姓楊的?他又說姓楊,又說姓劉。他就專門用這一套守屍鬼的功夫 ,就想出玄入牝用這一套的功夫。我本來叫他看《楞嚴經》,他看了也不明白,這很難懂的。你不明白佛教的道理,不明白道教的道理,尤其沒有聽過真正的講說,單看看這個經不容易明白的。




這個下邊這五個仙,這都有「行」字 ,前邊那讀「形」音,後邊這五個仙讀「橫」音,因為他們比前邊那又走的高。前邊五個是屬於在地下行的;這個是在天上走的了,所以叫「行」( 「橫」音),通行仙。


「吸粹圓成」:他吸取他那個精粹圓 成了,名吽「通行仙」。通行仙他就可以通行到天上,什麼地方都可以通行了。這種仙,他吸取日精月華。








「思憶圓成」:他成就了就有一種光明。他思想自己總化成一種金光 ,化成一種金光這麼想。久而久之也就像雞菢雞蛋似的;又像那個貓在那兒捕鼠似的,都這麼等著等著的。他成就了這叫照行仙,他也有光的。


Editor's Note: There were several errors in the passage quoted from The (Unsurpassed) Jade Emperor's Mind Seal Classic at the end of last issue's commentary. The correction is given below, with apologies to the reader.

"Superior medicine is of three kinds: spirit, energy, and essence. Now you see them; now you don't. They are like an unclear image. Keep the nonexistent and guard the existent, and in an instant you will succeed. The reversing currents mesh; after a hundred days skill develops. After twelve years, your spiritual body will ascend to heaven. It is easy for the wise to awaken, but hard for the deluded to practice. If you practice, you will see the light of day. Through the breathing, nourish the purity." The space-traveling immortals have reached the level where they practice and see the light of day, and nourish the purity through the breathing.


What I just recited was a passage from the Taoist Supreme Jade Emperor's Mind Seal Wonderful Classic. They consider it a valuable treasure-I mean it. It tells how to smelt the essence to transform it into energy, smelt the energy to transform it into spirit, smelt the spirit to transform it into emptiness, and smelt the emptiness to transform it into nothing. That's the skill it discusses. The space-travelling immortals can travel in emptiness. They can go out esoterically and enter the female.  

There are many strange and esoteric things in this world; you just haven't seen them. Currently there is a Taoist publication entitled Account of the Immortal Wu Liu. In it are illustrations of a person sending many smaller people out the top of his head and those smaller people also sending even smaller people out the tops of their heads and so forth. They call that a person's hundreds of thousands of millions of transformation bodies. In fact, that is entirely an attachment to appearances. Making hundreds of thousands of millions of transformation bodies isn't that troublesome. The transformations don't come about through such a bothersome process. Transformations occur at will, not through some fixed process.  

Some of these beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong by using saliva and glandular secretions. When they have perfected the virtues of that moisture, they are known as heaven travelling immortals.  

The previous immortals could roam in space. The ones in this section who can go up to the heavens are called heaven-travelling immortals. They make themselves strong by using saliva and glandular secretions. When the tongue is curled back and placed on the roof of the mouth, the saliva flows down from above. Adherents of externalist paths call this "sweet dew," "heavenly drinking water" and a lot of other names. The fluid that flows down is called saliva. When it is swallowed into the stomach, it is called a glandular secretion. Actually it is one and the same thing. Taoists call this by many names, among them "elixir of immortality." They say that if you drink it, you can live forever.

If you want to live forever and not grow old,
You must return the essence and nourish the brain.

They contemplate transferring their essence to the top of their heads to nourish their brains. This is a skill developed in Taoism.

Currently Guo Pei is among us. Wen Tian, do you know who I mean? Sometimes he says his surname is Yang and sometimes he says it is Liu. This is the sort of practice he does. He specializes in these methods used by corpse-guarding ghosts. He's always thinking about how to "go out the esoteric and enter the female." Originally I encouraged him to read the Shurangama Sutra. He read it, but didn't understand it, because it is hard to comprehend. He doesn't understand Buddhist principles and he doesn't understand Taoist principles. Without the opportunity to hear a proper explanation, it is quite difficult to understand such texts. It's not easy to understand a Sutra just by reading it.

With unflagging resolution, these practitioners continually swallow the saliva and internalize the breath in a regularly scheduled practice. When they have perfected the virtues of that moisture, eventually their faces take on a glow. I described such practitioners earlier as having "white hair and youthful complexions." Although they are very old, their faces are like children's. They are ruddy-cheeked and fair complexioned. The common expression is "cherries with tofu," representing that they are red and white, having red within the white and white within the red. Their faces look like those of young lads-smooth and radiant. They are known as heaven-travelling immortals.

Some of these beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong with radiant and reflected light. When they have perfected this essence, they are known as immortals with penetrating practice.  

The character (行) is pronounced xing (indicating "travel" or "motion") in the description of the first five immortals. In the last five, it is pronounced heng, indicating "practice," because the last five immortals travel higher than the first five. The first five travel on earth; the last I five travel in the heavens.

Some of these beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong with radiant and reflected light. They have unflagging resolution to make themselves strong by cultivating inhaling radiant and I reflected light. This kind of immortal inhales the radiant light of the sun, the reflected light of the moon, and the light of the stars. Radiant light refers to the essential light of the sun. These immortals absorb that, as well as the reflected light of the moon. When they have perfected this essence of light, they are known as immortals with penetrating practice. They can penetratingly travel to the heavens or wherever they wish to go.

They inhale the sun's radiations and the moon's reflected light. How do they do that? Early in the morning they face the sun and inhale three hundred sixty times, absorbing the radiant energy of the sun. In the evening they face the moon and inhale three hundred sixty times. They put all their time into smelting their stinking skin bags. The body is a stinking skin bag; it stinks inside and is merely a bag of skin. The Venerable Master Hsu Yun wrote the Song of a Skin Bag in expression of this fact. But these immortals put all their energy into developing this kind of skill. They don't know that they should put that effort into developing the self-nature.

The difference between Taoism and Buddhism is that the former uses effort on what is apparent and the latter uses effort on what is not apparent. Thus, one has an attachment and the other doesn't. That's where the difference lies. Actually, the way of immortals and the Buddhist Way are similar. The point is that one is involved in attachments and the other is not. The kind of skill these immortals develop is basically all right, but they get attached to it. They become totally engrossed in appearances. Because of that, they have a hindrance. They feel they have to do things a certain way. Because they have this hang-up, they cannot get completely out of the cycle of rebirth. They don't gain ultimate understanding and release. These are called immortals of penetrating practice.  

Some of these beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong through mantras and precepts. When they have perfected their skills, they are known as immortals who practice the way.  

Some of these beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong through mantras and precepts. These beings have a firm determination to recite mantras. Tibetan lamas are an example of this category. They can be called immortals who practice the way if they have succeeded in their cultivation. If they don't have any accomplishment, then they can't be classed as immortals. These immortals recite mantras and hold prohibitive precepts. When they have perfected their skills, they are known as immortals who practice the way.

Some of these beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong through the use of thought processes. When they have perfected thought and memory, they are known as immortals with illumining practice.

Some of these beings with unflagging resolution make themselves strong through the use of thought processes.  

They turn their determination to their thoughts. They rely solely on thought without resting. When they have perfected thought and memory, they are Known as immortals with illumining practice. When they per-fect this practice, they have a bit of light. In their thoughts they imagine that they are transformed into golden light. When they cherish this thought for a long time, eventually, just like the old mother hen hatching her eggs, or the cat stalking a mouse, after waiting and waiting, they gain some success. That's why they are called immortals of illumining practice. They have some light.

To be continued


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