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Lectures on Tao Yuanming's Poems (continued)

葉嘉瑩教授講 By Professor Yeh Chia-ying
郇若慧‧比丘尼恆音 英譯 English translation by Josey Shun and Bhikshuni Heng Yin






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Later on, Li Bai, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem by the same name, "Song of Liangfu." It starts out:

Loudly I sing the Song of Liangfu.
When will I see the springtime sun?

In the old days, the word xiao [which means to make loud sounds—whistling, hollering, moaning, etc.], was used interchangeably with the word yin, meaning "to sing, to intone." In ancient times when people recited poetry, it sounded similar to Buddhist Sutras being chanted to a certain tune. They would recite the verses as if singing the lyrics of a song. Sometimes, when one is stirred by emotion, whether it is sadness or excitement or something else, before one has put one's feelings into words or composed a poem, one may not be able to help but voice a kind of sound to express one's emotions. That is what is meant by xiao—singing loudly.

In the old days people usually used yin and xiao as a compound, so that whether there was merely sound or also words, it could be called "singing loudly."

Li Bai said, "I loudly sing the lyrics of the Liangfu Song, and while doing so, I thought, 'When will I see the springtime sun?" Li Bai believed that he was a man of great capacity. He said:

Having given birth to a man of my talent,
Heaven must have a use for me.

His meaning was, "When will a person like me, who is endowed with such great abilities, encounter a 'warm season' that is, a good opportunity of being discovered and assigned duties by a wise king?"

Those are the meanings contained in the name 'Liangfu.' Next, let us look at what Gong Zizhen said about Tao Yuanming's poems:

Don't believe that poets are content with the simple life.
They are two parts Liangfu and one part Sao.

We now can comprehend the sorrow and lamentation buried deep within Tao Yuanming, as expressed in the lines: "The person I am thinking of is at Mount Tai. I want to follow her, but Mount Liangfu is dangerous," and "Loudly I sing the Liangfu Song. When will I see the springtime sun?"

We should know that when Tao Yuanming was young, he liked to study the Six Books of Chinese Classics. He had studied the books of Confucius and had hoped to apply what he learned to society. However, upon seeing the corruption and evil of the world, he felt resentful and frustrated: 'How come there is no chance for me to exercise my talents and realize my ideals?' That is the meaning of "two parts Liangfu."

'Sao' refers to Qu Yuan's work entitled "Li Sao." Qu Yuan lived in the State of Chu during the Warring States Period. He was from the same clan and had the same last name as the King of Chu, who at that time was King Huai. There were two parties debating whether the State of Chu should ally itself with the State of Qi or the State of Qin. The State of Qin was very ambitious, and a state that became her ally might very well be taken over by her in the end.

Qu Yuan advocated forming an alliance with the State of Qi, but King Huai did not listen to him. Instead, King Huai was tricked into going to the State of Qin and eventually died there. From that point on, the State of Chu approached its doom step by step. Qu Yuan was a member of the ruling family in Chu, and he was personally witnessing the gradual death of his own state. His earnest advice was totally ignored; no one listened to him. Furthermore, he was exiled by the next king, King Qin Xiang. Thus, he wrote "Li Sao" to express his anxiety, sorrow, and frustration.

Although Tao Yuanming lived in a different time period from Qu Yuan, upon witnessing the daily decline of his country's government and being helpless to do anything about it, his mind was full of the same sorrow and lamentation expressed in "Li Sao." Therefore Gong Zizhen described him, saying: "Don't believe that poets are content with the simple life. They bear two parts Liangfu and one part Sao."

To be continued

Volunteer Teaching Positions Open

in this post-modern age when education has become morally bankrupt, Instilling Goodness Elementary School and Developing Virtue High School at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas were founded by the Venerable Master Hua as model schools for helping students build good character and nurture their inherent wisdom and compassion. The Ven. Master's wish was to have a faculty of volunteer teachers who set examples of virtue and selflessness for their students. People interested in leading a simple but fulfilling spiritual life and in contributing their talents to the cause of education may apply for a volunteer teaching position. We are looking for teachers of English and Language Arts, Science, Mathematics, Fine Arts, and Physical Education, as well as dormitory counselors. All volunteers receive free room and board, as well as the opportunity to attend various classes and ceremonies at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. For more information or to request an application, call (707) 462 - 0939 or e-mail to instillgood@telebot.net.


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