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The Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra With Commentary

卷四 勸持品第十三

Roll Four, Chapter Fourteen: Happily-Dwelling Conduct

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version
















From last issue: All of these Bodhisattvas were Avaivartikas who turned the irreversible Dharma Wheel and who had attained all of the dharanis..


They immediately rose from their seats, went before the Buddha, singlemindedly with palms joined, and thought, "If the World Honored One were to command us to maintain and speak this Sutra, we would follow the Buddha's    instructions    and    vastly    proclaim    this Dharma."


They immediately rose from their seats, went before the Buddha, singlemindedly with palms joined, reverent in body and in mind, and thought, "If the World Honored One were to command us to maintain and speak this Sutra, we would follow the Buddha's instructions, all eighty trillion of us, and vastly proclaim this Dharma of the Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra."


They further thought, "The Buddha is silent now and gives no command. What should we do?"


Theyfurther thought,"Although   we   have   had   this thought, the Buddha is silent now and gives no command. He does not direct us to propagate this Sutra. What should we do? Should we go ahead and make a vow or should we wait? What's the next course of action?"


Then all the Bodhisattvas, reverently complying with the Buddha's will and wishing to fulfill their own past vows, went directly before the Buddha and uttered the Lion's Roar, proclaiming this vow: "World Honored One, after the Thus Come One's extinction, we shall circulate throughout the ten directions, leading living beings to copy out this Sutra, to receive, maintain, read and recite, and explain its meaning, to cultivate in accord with Dharma, and to keep it properly in mind—all through the awesome power of the Buddha. We only pray that the World Honored One, although dwelling in another direction, will lend us his protection from afar."


Then all the eighty trillion Bodhisattvas, seeing the Buddha remain silent, didn't know what to do. They thought it over and then reverently complying with the Buddha's will, very respectfully, assuming the Buddha wanted them to make vows, and wishing to fulfill their own past vows, went directly before the Buddha, and uttered the Lion's Roar, proclaiming this vow: "World Honored One, after the Thus Come One's ex­tinction, we shall circulate throughout the ten directions, leading living beings to copy out this Sutra, to receive, maintain, read and recite it, and to explain its meaning, so as to enable all living beings to cultivate in accord with the Dharma of this Sutra, and to keep it properly in mind without forgetting it—all through the awesome power of the Buddha. Our ability to cause living beings to recollect the Sutra is due to the Buddha's awesome spirit. We only pray that the World Honored One, although dwelling in another direction, in another land and another world, will lend us his protection from afar, keep watch on us and protect us and all living beings."

Sutra :

At that time, all the Bodhisattvas in unison raised
their voices to speak verses, saying,
Pray do not be concerned,
For after the Buddha's extinction,
In the frightening evil age,
We will vastly preach."


At that time, all the Bodhisattvas in unison, with the same sound, raised their voices to speak verses, saying, "Pray do not be concerned. We only wish that the World Honored One will not worry that no one will propagate the Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra, because we are making vows to do this. For after the Buddha's extinction, his entry into Nirvana, in the frightening and evil age, the Dharma-ending age, we will vastly preach. We eighty trillion Bodhisattvas shall vastly speak and propagate the Dharma Flower Sutra for the sake of living beings.

To be continued


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