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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in Water and Mirrors: Reversing the Tide of Destiny

無 鹽(續)
Lady Wuyan (continued)

宣化上人講於一九八七年十二月七日 Text and commentary by the Venerable Master Hua, December 7, 1987
李宗祐 英譯 English translation by Michael Lee






山東無鹽 貌醜心賢
志安齊國 德教女男
百姓稱頌 為民仰瞻
四危轉泰 古今奇觀




無鹽天生奇女子 毛遂自薦入王宮
說服宣王修德政 治理國家盡忠忱
轉危為安民幸福 亂極思治邦延年
宇宙變化深莫測 怪誕詭異孔不言





Lady Wuyan solemnly responded, "Perils indeed! Perils indeed!" The king asked in astonishment, "Whatever do you mean?"

She replied, "Your Majesty is menaced by four perils. First, there has been no progress in domestic policies, and loyal officials cannot be distinguished from traitors. Second, by constructing pavilions, your Majesty is indulging in amusement and abandoning your aspirations. Third, the loyal and righteous have retreated to the mountains, while the fawning and obsequious are right by your side. Fourth, abroad your Majesty is not exercising proper diplomacy with the other feudal lords, while domestically your Majesty is not focused on the proper governing of the country."

The king replied, "Your words of teaching are like the drums at dusk and the bells at dawn; if I should make any improvement, it would be due to your generous giving." From then on, the king diligently worked to strengthen and improve the country. He sought to employ the righteous and listened to others' exhortations. The State of Qi became well governed, and with adoration the king made the Lady Wuyan his queen.

Lady Wuyan solemnly responded, "Perils indeed! Perils indeed!" Here, the perils she spoke of were ones of extreme magnitude. King Xuan was shocked to hear her words, and out of curiosity he asked, "Why do you say such a thing?"

Zongli Chun [Lady Wuyan] said, "Your Majesty is menaced by four perils. First, there has been no progress in domestic policies, and loyal officials cannot be distinguished from traitors. You do not know who is loyal to you and who is treacherous. Second, by constructing pavilions, your Majesty is indulging in amusement and abandoning your aspirations. Your greedy obsession with pleasure is hurting the people and depleting the treasury. Third, the loyal and righteous have retreated to the mountains, while the fawning and obsequious are right by your side. The officials who are righteous and who cultivate virtue have resigned from their posts to hide out in forests on the hillsides. On the other hand, those people who are insincere are all around you. Fourth, abroad your Majesty is not exercising proper diplomacy with the other feudal lords, while domestically your Majesty is not focused on the proper governing of the country. Because of these four great perils, the State of Qi is in grave danger."

After hearing Lady Wuyan's warning, King Xuan said to her: "As I listen to your advice now, it is like the drums at dusk and the bells at dawn to me, for they have snapped me out of my stupor. If the State of Qi achieves any advancement, it is all because of what you have given me." Thereafter, King Xuan diligently worked to strengthen the country. He put extra effort into governing, in hopes of making his country strong and prosperous. He sought to employ the righteous and virtuous, and welcomed criticism. Whenever someone pointed out his shortcomings, he was sure to make amends. Consequently, the State of Qi enjoyed peace and order.

Even though Lady Wuyan was quite ugly, she had the talent to help King Xuan in governing the country, so with adoration, King Xuan wed the Lady Wuyan, making her the queen.

A verse in praise says:
From Shandong Province came Lady Wuyan.
Although her features were unsightly, her heart was benevolent.
She was determined to bring stability to the State of Qi.
Her virtue influenced both women and men.
The civilians all spoke of her with praise and approval,
And she was deeply revered by all the people.
The four perils were turned into peace.
In past and present, her story is a wondrous spectacle.

From Shandong Province came Lady Wuyan.

Although her features were unsightly, her heart was benevolent. Despite her ugly appearance, she was worthy and wise at heart and practiced virtue.

She was determined to bring stability to the State of Qi. Her intent was to properly govern the State of Qi.

Her virtue influenced both women and men. With benevolent policies, she bestowed kindness upon the people and saw to it that the populace received suitable education. Thus whether a person is ugly or handsome, that is on merely the surface; only with wisdom can one really help out the people.

The civilians all spoke of her with praise and approval. The people all spoke well of her. And she was deeply revered by all the people. The entire populace admired her highly.

The four perils were turned into peace. The crisis of the four perils was transformed into serenity.

In past and present, her story is a wondrous spectacle. Her deeds are an impressive story for both past and present.

Another verse says:
Wuyan, the lady who was naturally born extraordinary,
Self-confidently volunteered herself to enter the royal palace
And convinced King Xuan to implement policies of virtue.
She governed the country with loyalty and sincerity,
Turning crisis into serenity and bringing good fortune to the people.
When the social discord reached an extreme, the king wished to bring renewal to the kingdom.
The universe goes through deep metamorphoses that cannot be fathomed.
Thus Confucius did not discuss peculiar occurrences and mysterious oddities

Wuyan, the lady who was naturally born extraordinary. Wuyan was an intrinsically special woman.

Self-confidently volunteered herself to enter the royal palace. With self-assurance, she volunteered to join the royal household and convinced King Xuan to implement policies of virtue. She guided King Xuan of Qi to make amends and change for the better.

She governed the country with loyalty and sincerity. She devoted herself with complete loyalty to governing the country, turning crisis into serenity and bringing good fortune to the people. She turned adverse conditions to peace and calm, so that the people enjoyed good fortune.

When the social discord reached an extreme, the king wished to bring renewal to the kingdom. At the height of the chaos, King Xuan of Qi began to administer the country, hoping to make it endure longer.

The universe goes through deep metamorphoses that cannot be fathomed. The fates and fortunes in the universe are vast and different; the deep mysteries within it are endlessly changing, such that it is difficult to predict.

Thus Confucius did not discuss peculiar occurrences and mysterious oddities. Confucius did not talk about peculiar and abnormal phenomena. Common people are obsessed with ugliness and beauty. One should not judge the skills and capabilities of others based on appearance.



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