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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in Water and Mirrors Reversing the Tide of Destiny

Lady Wuyan

宣化上人講於一九八七年十二月七日 Lectured bv the Venerable Master Hua on December 7, 1987
國際譯經學院記錄翻譯 Translated by the International Translation Institute
李宗祐 英譯 English translation by Michael Lee











Her original surname was li, and her first name was Chun. She lived in the State of Qi during the Period of Warring States. She was born in Wuyan County (located in the eastern part of modern day Dong-ping County of Shandong Province). Her features were unusually displeasing, but she had wisdom. One day, she arrived in Lingzi and on meeting King Xuan of Qi, she said, "I deeply admire Your Majesty's inspiring virtue, and I wish to take up the broom and dustpan to wait upon Your Majesty."

The king responded, "The royal harem has exceptional beauties whose charm can make the fish drown, make the geese fall from the skies, make the moon go into hiding, and put the flowers to shame; I am surrounded by these beauties. You must be dreaming! You need to re-evaluate your qualifications!"

Lady Wuyan solemnly responded, "Perils indeed! Perils indeed!" The king asked in astonishment, "Whatever do you mean?"

She replied, "Your majesty is menaced by four perils. First, there has been no progress in domestic policies, and loyal officials cannot be distinguished from traitors. Second, by constructing pavilions, your Majesty is indulging in amusement and abandoning your aspirations. Third, the loyal and righteous have retreated to the mountains, while the fawning and obsequious are right by your side. Fourth, abroad your Majesty is not exercising proper diplomacy with the other feudal lords, while domestically your Majesty is not focused on the proper governing of the country."

The king replied, "Your words of teaching are like the drums at dusk and the bells at dawn; if I should make any improvement, it would be due to your generous giving." From then on, the king diligently worked to strengthen and improve the country. He sought to employ the righteous and listened to others' exhortations. The State of Qi became well governed, and with adoration the king made the Lady Wuyan his queen.

In this universe, there are billions of kinds of people, but each person's appearance is unique. In this multitude of people, there are some whose looks are fine and handsome, and others whose looks are ugly. However, good-looking people do not necessarily have good hearts; ugly people do not always have evil hearts.

There is an ancient saying: "Judging others by appearance, one can mistake a good man like Zhiyu." When dealing with a person, one should look at his heart and not make judgment based on his outward appearance. Having a good heart is true excellence; with a bad heart, a person is simply not dependable no matter how good-looking he is.

During the Period of Warring States, from the kingdom of Qi came a lady named Wuyan. Her original name was Zongli Chun. Because she was born in the Wuyan area of Shandong province, she was better known by the name of her hometown and her original name became disregarded. She was born intelligent and wise, but her looks were unusually displeasing, such that she did not resemble the expected image of a woman. Her demeanor was rough and wild, rather than smooth and serene.

At that time, King Xuan of the State of Qi was exceedingly debauched. He indulged in all the exorbitant pleasures of dining, wining, and frolic. Zongli Chun felt that the behavior of her king was wrong, and that if it continued, the State of Qi would surely be ruined. Therefore, she went to see King Xuan. Arriving at the capitol of Lingzi, she met King Xuan and told him, "I admire your talent in governing and your virtue in guiding the people, so I wish to volunteer myself to perform household chores and to serve you. Your wish shall be my command." She self-assuredly offered her skills, for she had the talent to help properly govern the country.

However, upon hearing her words, King Xuan misunderstood and thought that she wanted to enter the palace and become one of his many consorts, so he replied "The royal harem has exceptional beauties whose charm can make the fish drown, make the geese fall from the skies, make the moon go into hiding, and put the flowers to shame; I am surrounded by these beauties. They are numerous. How could you ever have a chance to join them? Your looks are so ugly. You must be dreaming! You need to re-evaluate your qualifications!"

To be continued

小 啟 Announcement
Because the bilingual Chinese/English books Sutra of the Merit and Virtue of the Past Vows of Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata and Dharma Talks in Europe have now been published, these serial articles will no longer be featured in Vajra Bodhi Sea. Interested readers may acquire these books at the branch temples of Dharma Realm Buddhist Association.
Starting in the next issue, we will feature Venerable Master Hua's explanation of "Essay of Exhortation to Bring Forth the Bodhi Resolve" and his Instructional Talks during the Hundred-Day Chan Session.


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