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Sutra of the Merit and Virtue of the Past Vows of Medicine
Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata with Commentary

宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記綠 Translated by the International Translation Institute











"There are other innumerable avaricious and miserly living beings who hoard money and necessities that they don't use even for themselves, how much less for their parents, wives, or servants, or for beggars! At the end of their lives, such beings will be reborn among the hungry ghosts or animals. If they had heard the name of that Buddha, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata, in their former human existence, and they recall that Tathagata's name for the briefest moment while they are in the evil destinies, they will immediately be reborn in the human realm. Moreover, they will remember their past life and will dread the sufferings of the evil destinies. They will not delight in worldly pleasures, but will rejoice in giving and praise others who give. They will not begrudge giving whatever they have. Gradually, to those who come to beg, they will be able to give away their own head, eyes, hands, feet, and even their entire body, to say nothing of their money and property!"


There are other innumerable avaricious and miserly living beings who hoard money and necessities that they don't use even for themselves, how much less for their parents, wives, or servants, or for beggars! There are countlessly many "stingy ghosts" who amass riches and store them away, not allowing anyone to use them. They cannot even bear to use these things themselves, so how could they possibly let their parents or wives enjoy them? How much less would they share their wealth with servants or beggars!

At the end of their lives, such beings will be reborn among the hungry ghosts or animals. Such misers may turn   into  poor  ghosts,   hungry  ghosts,   moneyguarding ghosts, or animals.

If they had heard the name of that Buddha, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata, in their former human existence, and they recall that Tathagata's name for the briefest moment while they are in the evil destinies, they will immediately be reborn in the human realm. As humans, they might have heard someone reciting the name of Medicine Master Buddha. If they remember that Buddha's name while they are in the three evil paths, they will be reborn in the human realm. Moreover, they will remember their past life. Having the knowledge of past lives, they will dread the sufferings of the evil destinies. They will not delight in worldly pleasures, but will rejoice in giving and praise others who give. They will no longer indulge in eating, drinking, and making merry, but will instead delight in giving to all living beings and will praise those who practice charity.

No longer misers, they will not begrudge giving whatever they have. Gradually, to those who come to beg, they will be able to give away their own head, eyes, hands, feet, and even their entire body to anyone who seeks for them, to say nothing of their money and property! How much more will they be able to renounce other possessions!

By giving, one reaps blessings. Those who were stingy in past lives are poor now, while those who were generous are now rich. It is said, "You must first give in order to get something in return. If you don't give, you won't get anything." We must be clear about cause and effect. If you make even a tiny mistake in cause and effect, the consequences may be terrible. When we come to the temple to bow to the Buddhas, we should try to benefit others, not try to gain something for ourselves. We should be willing to take a loss. People who come to the temple to steal food, money, or other things will certainly fall into the three evil paths.

Be sure to tell your relatives and friends that no matter what temple they go to, they shouldn't go there hoping to obtain responses or bargains, or to steal things. If they do, they are creating great offenses. If you fail to tell them, then you have a share in their offenses. You should clearly explain the law of cause and effect to them, so they won't make mistakes.

The Sutras tell us to give to others, not to constantly be seeking offerings from others. Buddhists should benefit others. Otherwise, we will only be "thieves among the virtuous." If we constantly exploit situations and pull strings with the Dharma-protectors, we are simply creating offenses and trying to destroy Buddhism.

Hearing my advice, I hope you will wake up and quickly take stock of yourself! If you have faults, change them right away; and if you don't, then try even harder to be a good Buddhist. Don't be a phony Buddhist who tries to take advantage of Buddhism. Don't be tempted to do business within Buddhism, for it will surely lead you to the hells! The woman who came to our temple and tried to sell jewelry didn't realize that she was asking for a terrible retribution. Be extremely careful. If you fall, I won't be able to save you.

To be continued


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