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The Natural Truth——Children tell us how to make Earth safer

李果北 編輯 Compiled by Rebecca Lee
呂黛麗 中譯 Chinese translation by Dai-li Lyu









If you came to Instilling Goodness School at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB), you would hear the children discussing ways to make the Earth safer and they are asking for your help. This is what the 2nd and 3rd graders are saying:

Chaitanya: I don't think it's right to use cleansers and stuff with chemicals and test them on animals and it kills the animals. It's good to get natural cleansers because you don't have to kill animals.

Sean: Can you help people to not test bad chemicals in cleansers and stuff on animals? I don't think it is good for them and animals have rights, too and if bad chemicals are used in sinks, it will go into the water and poison people and it will wipe out the human race.

Omar: The things in natural cleansers are made from orange peels, tangerine peels and grapefruit seed, plants and herbs. Our school always uses them and it smells super clean.

Qin Zhi: We have pure water in the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas and we must keep it clean. Please look for these labels on natural cleansers: BIO-DEGRADABLE, NON-TOXIC, NO ANIMAL PRODUCTS, and NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS. If we use natural cleansers, we won't break the precepts.

Gopika: They have good names like: Earth Friendly, Life Tree, Nature's Gate, Planet, Rainwater, and Ecover.

For these same reasons, people at CTTB are using natural products that were not tested on animals and are safe for the Earth and its inhabitants, and they are offering them to the Sangha.

Note: The good news is that there are many new natural products on the market nowadays. And they do a terrific job! You can buy everything that you need to keep your home and the Way-places clean: laundry detergent, automatic and regular dish wash, non-chlorine bleach, oven-cleaner, enzymes to unstop drains, carpet shampoo, degreasers, lotion, shampoo, toothpaste, car and window wash, and all kinds of soap without animal products. Ask for them in natural food stores and even in regular markets. They may cost a little more, but they are concentrated. You get what you pay for!


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