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Special Feature

Excerpts from the Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom

龍樹菩薩/著 Written by Bodhisattva Nagarjuna
姚秦三藏法師鳩摩羅什/中譯 Translated into Chinese by Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva of the Yaoqin dynasty
沙彌恆授/英譯 Translated into English by Sramanera Heng Shou


是千阿羅漢聞是語已,上昇虛空,高七多羅樹。皆言:無常力大,如我 等眼見佛說法,今乃言我聞!便說偈言:




The First Dharma Council

After these one thousand Arhats heard these words, they rose into the air to the height of seven tala trees and all said, "Alas! The power of impermanence is extreme. It is like when we saw the Buddha speaking Dharma. But now he says, 'I have heard!'" Then they uttered a verse:

We saw here once the marks of Buddha’s body.
T’was just like seeing a purple, golden mountain.
The wondrous marks and many virtues perish.
So now there’s but a name alone remaining.

Hence therefore one should find a skillful method
To seek the exit from the Triple World.
Good faculties with diligence collect now.
Nirvana is the highest form of bliss.

To be continued


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