萬佛城金剛菩提海 Vajra Bodhi Sea


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Given in August 1975, on Buddha Root Farm on the Smith River near Reedsport, Oregon






「紺目澄清四大海」:阿彌陀佛那個眼睛,單單那個眼睛,就有四個大海那麼大。你說這是不是 big eyes(大眼)?四個大海那麼大的眼睛。這個紺目——碧綠色的眼睛,有四個大海那麼大。那麼你說他身體有多大?這個身體,有百億那麼多的三千大千世界那麼大。










Simply explained, there are four kinds of Buddha Recitation. The first is "Con­templating by Thought Buddha Recitation"; the second, "Contemplating an Image Buddha Recitation"; the third, "Holding the Name Buddha Recitation"; and the fourth, "Real Mark Buddha Recitation."

In "Contemplating by Thought Buddha Recitation" one contemplates the following verse:

Amitabha Buddha's body is of golden hue,
His fine marks brilliant beyond compare.
The white hair-mark winds as high as five Mount Sumerus,
And his purple eyes are as deep and clear as four great seas.
Countless transformation Buddhas appear within his light,
With transformation Bodhisattvas, also numberless.
His forty-eight vows take living beings across
In nine grades of lotuses to reach the other shore.

Amitabha Buddha's body is of golden hue. Amitabha Buddha's entire body is gold.

His fine marks brilliant beyond compare. His characteristics are incomparable. Amitabha's light is unequalled. He has the thirty-two marks and eighty minor characteristics of a Buddha. His brilliant light pervasively illu­mines all living beings with whom he has an affinity.

Whoever is sincere in his recitation during this session may be illuminated by Amitabha's light. But your heart must be truly sincere. Bring forth your true heart to recite the Buddha's name, and don't fear suffering or pain. You must be extremely sincere and earnest.

The white hair-mark winds as high as five Mount Sumerus. In the space between Amitabha Buddha's eyebrows there is a white hair-mark. How big is it? As big as five Mount Sumerus. And how high is Mount Sumeru? Mount Sumeru is the highest mountain there is. None of our mountains are as high.

The empty space that we see is called the Heaven of the Four Kings. Mount Sumeru is twice as high as this heaven. In other words, the Heaven of the Four Kings is located half-way up Mount Sumeru. Amitabha Buddha's white hair-mark is five times as high as Mount Sumeru. How high do you think that is?

His purple eyes are as deep and clear as four great seas. Amitabha Buddha's eyes alone are as large as four seas. Now, would you say he has big eyes? His purple eyes, bright and clear, are as big as four great seas, so how big would you say his entire body is? His body is as big as one hundred million trichiliocosms.

Countless transformation Buddhas appear within his light. Amitabha Buddha emits light from his eyes, his ears, his nose, and his mouth. His entire body pours forth light, and from every hair pore on his body appear Buddhas from boundless universes. See? Your mind can't possibly conceive of anything so big. No one knows how many transformation Buddhas he creates.

With transformation Bodhisattvas, also numberless. The Bodhisattvas which appear on every single hair pore of his body are also boundless.

His forty-eight vows take living beings across. He has made forty-eight vows to teach and transform living beings.

In nine grades of lotuses to reach the other shore. His lotuses are divided into nine grades:

1. superior rebirth in the superior grade;
2. superior rebirth in the middle grade;
3. superior rebirth in the lower grade;
4. middle rebirth in the superior grade;
5. middle rebirth in the middle grade;
6. middle rebirth in the lower grade;
7. lower rebirth in the superior grade;
8. lower rebirth in the middle grade;
9. lower rebirth in the lower grade.

Each of these nine grades in turn divides into nine, making nine times nine, or eighty-one grades in all.

Among the eighty-one grades, how big is the largest lotus? It's about one hundred times as big as the United States of America. A small lotus is about the size of this country. This should give you a general idea. The bigger your lotus is, the bigger your Dharmabody will be when you realize Buddhahood and sit upon the lotus throne. If your lotus is the size of a single U.S.A., then as a Buddha you will also be just about that big. The Buddha's transformation bodies are inconceivable.

This is called "Contemplation by Thought Buddha Recitation."

As we sit here listening to the lecture, several mosquitoes among us are thinking, "Oh! How can the Buddha be that big? I don't believe it." It's fitting that they don't believe it, because they are so small they can't believe there could be something that big. Not only do they not believe that the Buddha is as big as he is, they also don't believe people are as big as they are. Although they may see a person, they don't know what a person is. They think we are Mount Sumerus. Each one of us is, in fact, a Mount Sumeru. What does that mean? Today I'll reveal this most subtle and wonderful dharma: Your Mount Sumeru is just your arrogance, your smugness, and your disbelief!

Okay. That's all for today. There are still three more types of Buddha Recitation to be discussed. Perhaps someone will tell you in a dream tonight what they are. If not, I'll explain them tomorrow.

To be continued


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