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Guanyin's Power Enters All Doors: The City of Ten Thousand Buddhas Holds Two Consecutive Sessions

編輯部 Compiled by Editorial Staff


法筵殊勝,吸引了一群自柏克萊前來的大學生很誠心地參加了觀音七和禪七;在炎熱的高溫下,忍住腰痠腿疼,共聚「般若堂」裡滋長法身慧命,開啟自性中無限的清涼與自在。就讀華盛頓大學的美國青年舒滋(Gene Schultz),約了好友岳吉斯(Jaimal Yogis),結伴從加州首府沙加緬度步行到萬佛聖城,專程參加打七;他們在華氏一百多度的炎陽下整整走了八天。舒滋表示,恆實法師等人當年三步一拜,從洛杉磯金輪寺直拜到萬佛聖城,祈求世界和平的事蹟使他深受感動。他們只走了八天,和恆實法師等人兩年九個月的苦行,相形之下實在是微不足道。


This year the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (CTTB) held a Guanyin Recitation Session from August 9-15, and a Chan Session for Beginners from August 17-23. These two sessions were scheduled to provide students an excellent opportunity to practice Buddhism.

A group of very sincere students from the University of California at Berkeley attended the two sessions. In the burning summer heat, they gathered in the "Prajna Hall" to nourish their Dharma body and wisdom life. Bearing the pain in the backs and legs, they discovered the refreshing coolness and ease of their own nature.

Gene Schultz, a student from Washington University, and his friend Jaimal Yogis walked from Sacramento to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in order to attend the sessions. They walked for eight days in temperatures exceeding a hundred degrees. Schultz mentioned that he had been inspired by a "Three Steps, One Bow" pilgrimage made by Dharma Master Sure and a companion from Los Angeles to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas years ago. Their own eight-day walk was nothing compared to Dharma Master Sure's pilgrimage of two years and nine months.

It's worth noting that several children were not at all behind the adults in cultivation. Whether in the Buddha Hall or the Chan Hall, the children diligently practiced and were quite outstanding. Under his parents' encouragement, eight-year-old Qinzhi Lau from Malaysia memorized the Shurangama Mantra, participated in the whole Jeweled Repentance of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the Chinese recitation of the Avatamsaka Sutra Assembly, the Guanyin Session, and the Chan Session. His vigor put lazy ones to shame. The Tang brothers from Singapore, ten-year-old Yuzhi and eight-year-old Yuxuan, decided to enroll in school at the City after they finished the Summer Camp. Don't take them lightly for their youth; they have already taken the five precepts, and with their shaved heads and brown sashes, they look very dignified in the assembly. Binxun Wang and his sister had come with their mother from Taiwan and were supposed to return home after the Summer Camp. However, they decided to stay for the Guanyin Session, thus nurturing their good roots. It appears that the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas has become a favorite retreat and paradise for these pure and innocent children.


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