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True Cultivation Versus Scholarly Knowledge (continued)

謹慎 文 By Vigilance
沈海燕 中譯 Chinese translation by Haiyan Sheng











In our society we rightfully honor those individuals who are very scholarly and learned. If a person has an advanced degree we expect that he is an expert in that field. However, in the Buddha's teaching, advanced ability in study alone is not by any means an indication of expertise in the Buddhadharma.

Unlike most other fields of knowledge, the Buddha's teaching is a way of life that requires actual practice and training. The training consists firstly of virtuous conduct. When one habitually acts and speaks in accordance with the moral precepts, one's mind becomes significantly freed from the problems of worry, fear, covering, deception, and so on, that obstruct the ability to develop meditative skill. With meditative training, one then develops the power of concentration that can see with far greater accuracy the nature of one's own thoughts inside and the events outside. With this expansion of awareness one is not so controlled by events in the external environment. Based on this greatly heightened awareness from meditation, the profound intuitive wisdom that sees the true nature of phenomena can unfold.

One may object and say that studying the Sutras helps one to unfold one's inherent wisdom. This is absolutely correct. Studying the Sutras is very important, but it must be done in conjunction with virtue and meditative-con­centration in order to be meaningful. This prajna-wisdom, as it is called in Buddhism, is not the result of mere study. Without virtue and the develop­ment of meditative concentration, this sort of study is hardly different from other worldly fields of knowledge in that it has no significant effect on how one lives one's life, and how one perceives the world.

In studying the Sutras, it is best to listen to an experienced practitioner of the teachings lecture on them. A person with experience in the Dharma, who knows the terrain so to speak, lectures the Sacred Texts in a way that is directed towards helping the listeners' personal practice and mental development. In this way, the teachings influence the lives of the listeners, and most importantly, they become a catalyst for personal cultivation. This is most essential because the truths in the sacred teachings of the Buddha can only be verified through actual experience and realization. These are revelations that are based on virtue and meditative-concentration.

Therefore, an entire section of one of the chapters in the "king of kings" among Buddhist Sutras, the Flower Adornment Sutra, says: Like a physician who, though skillful in prescribing medicine, 

Is unable to cure his own illness;
Without practicing the Dharma,
Much study is the same way.
Like one who counts the wealth of others'
But has not a penny of his own;
Without practicing the Dharma,
Much study is the same way.
Like a person born in a King's palace,
Who still suffers hunger and cold;
Without practicing the Dharma,
Much study is the same way.
Like a deaf musician playing tunes
Others enjoy but he himself does not hear;
Without practicing the Dharma,
Much study is the same way.
Like a blind artist whose many drawings
Are displayed for others,
But he himself can never see;
Without practicing the Dharma,
Much study is the same way.


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