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Recent Scientific Developments and Their Influence on Society(continued)

王慶東 文及英譯 Article and English translation by James Q. Wang






筆者曾因工作所需,在美國田納西州的Oak Ridge 一所實驗室工作了一年多。我們工程的目的就是設計建造出能夠高效處理核廢料的工廠。在這段工作期間,我在與 Oak Ridge 科研界、工商界人士接觸中,深深感受到了全美國核廢料不僅多,而且處理難。現在全美唯一一個可以合法大量掩埋核廢料的地點,在南卡羅來納州,而每年全美各核電站、研究所、工業界所廢棄的核廢料遠遠超過該地所能承受的。因此很多工廠就將核廢料堆在自家的院落,嚴重影響了環境和生態。我們可以看到,利用核能可以暫時滿足人類一時的物質需要,可是它的後弊遠遠超過前利,也許當將來人類再來後悔時,為時已晚矣。






Breakthroughs in Applied Physics

I. The Invention of Television

Early in this century one of the great breakthroughs in science was  the invention of television, which has become one of the greatest tools for influencing society in modern times. Politicians use television for party propaganda, and the entertainment business uses it to disseminate various programs filled with sex and violence to attract viewers and make big profits. The young generations are more and more attracted to violent programs and games on television, and the morality of future generations is a big problem for the society. People are especially concerned about this problem after the recent killings in high schools in the United States.

II. Research on the Atomic Nucleus

Another big breakthrough in physics this century concerns the atomic nucleus. Upon discovering basic properties of the atomic nucleus, scientists found a way to release a huge amount of energy in nuclear reactions. The application of this knowledge in the military field led to the development of nuclear weapons which brought catastrophic damage to Japan during World War II. Although nuclear energy may be used for civilian purposes with a certain degree of safety and reliability, it can also be dangerous, as seen in the great harm suffered by the people around Ukraine and Belarus (then still parts of Soviet Union) after the radiation leak at the Chernobyl nuclear power station in the late eighties.

I once worked in Oak Ridge National Laboratories for over a year doing design and startup work for a nuclear waste treatment facility. Through contact with the Oak Ridge research staff as well as business firms, I became aware of the huge amount of nuclear waste that needed to be treated there. Now there is only one place in South Carolina where large amounts of commercial nuclear waste can legally be buried in the United States, and the total amount of nuclear waste produced every year in this nation far exceeds that site’s capacity. As a result, a lot of nuclear plants simply dump or store the waste in their “own backyard” so to speak, causing serious damage to the environment. Thus it can be seen that while the application of nuclear technology brings energy and convenience to people, the longterm consequences far outweigh the immediate benefits, and by the time mankind realizes this, it may be too late.

The Establishment of Internet

Lately the development and use of the computer has played the greatest role in social progress. The so-called 'information highway' or Internet has saved a lot of laborious work for people, and it is now linking almost every corner in the world, thereby greatly promoting the globalization of different cultures and expediting economic and technological development—a very promising step.

Such progress seems very desirable, but is not certain what the long-term consequences will be. While the globalization of Internet favors economic and cultural development, it actually tends to trammel people's minds. People like to search and rely on the Internet for the information they need and like, and business groups make programs that attract more people. As people rely more and more on the Internet for their life and working needs, it will exert increasing control over the society. As stated in the Shurangama Sutra, when a group of people create collective karma, that particular group will eventually undergo a disastrous retribution. In light of this, we should be extra cautious in making use of the computer, and not be swayed by the temporary economic benefits that it promises.


Science and technology have brought a lot of progress and advancement to human society in material terms, yet it seems that they cannot bring people ultimate happiness. Only through cultivating our own nature can we obtain ultimate liberation and true happiness. I hope those people who are infatuated with science and technology and modern material life will reflect upon this.



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