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Excerpts from the Shastra on the Perfection of GreatWisdom

龍樹菩薩/著 Written by Bodhisattva Nagarjuna
姚秦三藏法師鳩摩羅什/中譯 Translated into Chinese by Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva of the Yaoqin dynasty
沙彌恆授/英譯 Translated into English by Shramanera Heng Shou


即夜到僧堂門,敲門而喚。大迦葉問言﹕敲門者誰?答言﹕我是阿難。大迦葉言﹕汝何以來?阿難言﹕我今夜得盡諸 漏。大迦葉言﹕不與汝開門,汝從門鑰孔中來!阿難答言﹕可爾!即以神力從門鑰孔並中入,禮拜僧足懺悔,大迦葉莫復見責!大迦葉手摩阿難頭言﹕我故為汝,使 汝得道;汝無嫌恨,我亦如是,以汝自證。譬如手畫虛空,無所染著,阿羅漢心亦如是,一切法中得無所著;復汝本坐。


Ananda's Return

Then he went in the night to the door of the Sańgha hall, knocked upon the door and called out. Mahākāśyapa asked, "Who's knocking at the door?" 

The reply: "I'm Ananda."

Mahākāśyapa queried, "Why have you come?"

Ananda announced, "This very night I gained the ending of all outflows."

Mahākāśyapa informed him, "We will not open the door for you. You come in through the keyhole."

Ananda agreed, "It can be done that way." Then, using spiritual powers, he went in through the keyhole, prostrated himself in reverence at the feet of the Sangha, repented and declared, "Mahākāśyapa, you need not censure me any more." 

Mahākāśyapa rubbed the top of Ananda's head with his hand and explained, "I deliberately and for your sake influenced you to attain the Way. You have no enmity. I too am thus and hereby recognize your spontaneous realization. This is like painting with the hand in empty space. There is no staining or adhering. The mind of the arhat is also like this.  In the midst of all dharmas, one becomes such that there is nothing to which one clings.  You may return to your original seat."

To be continued

English translation © 1996 Dharmamitra. All rights reserved.
Reprinted with permission of Kalavinka


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