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The Shurangama Sutra


宣化上人講 Commentary by the Venerable Master Hua
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute
修訂版 Revised version


「發 明二相」:發明兩種的相。這兩種的相是什麼呢?一個合相,一個離相。什麼叫合相呢?「一者合觸,合山逼體」:這四面都有這個大山來逼體。「骨肉血潰」:骨 頭和肉和血,都潰爛了。把這個山,一壓就壓成一個肉餅子;壓成一個肉餅子死了。然後,又有這個巧風一吹,又活了:這血肉模糊。這麼合了,也是死了生;生了 死,那麼這是合觸。「二者離觸」:這個離開的觸。離開的觸是什麼呢?「刀劍觸身」:這個刀和劍啊,這個鎗槊啊,觸身。「心肝屠裂」:這個心肝都碎裂了。心 肝都給這個鎗啊,刀劍啊刺壞了,這有這兩種的相。


這個應該是,換成這個「歷觸則能。為撞為擊。為剚為射」。因為這個觸,是身體觸,換成這八個字,才合這個道 理。這個「歷聽」呢,應該是「為道為觀。為廳為案。」因為這個聽塵,這個道、觀,這是審案要用耳朵來聽的。這個擊,這撞擊,和剚射,這都是關於觸塵的,關 於身體上的。

歷見則能。為燒為爇。歷聽則能。為撞(道)為擊(觀)。為剚(廳)為射(案)。歷息則能。為 括為袋。為考為縛。歷嘗則能。為耕為鉗。為斬為截。歷思則能。為墜為飛。為煎為炙。

「如 是合觸,歷觸則能,為撞為擊,為剚為射」:撞,就是互相撞;擊,擊就是打擊;剚,剚就是用刀刺到身上,這是剚。為射,射就是用箭來射。這是歷觸應該是這樣 子。「歷見則能,為燒為爇」:這個觸塵,要歷到見上,則能為燒為爇,燒,它就熱了。這個地獄,也就是那種鑊湯、爐炭之類的。「歷聽則能,為道為觀,為廳為 案」:道,就是到地獄這種衙門的地方。地府這個觀--觀就是那個審案那個地方,門兩邊的那一種樣子。為廳,也是陰間。這個地獄裡頭一種的好像判官,這個閻 王為案,在那個地方聽,就審問你,審問你造了什麼罪業。


「歷 嘗則能,為耕為鉗,為斬為截」:歷嘗則能,為耕為鉗。耕,就是耕這個舌頭。這個舌頭,用這個鉤子鉤出來,用牛耕;鉗,就是用鉗子鉗起來,就或者斬,或者 截,或者把它截斷了它。「歷思則能,為墜為飛,為煎為炙」:思,則能變成什麼地獄呢?變成墜;墜就是把他扔到空中,掉到下邊,摔他一下。為飛,就把他也是 飄飛到空中,然後再墜落到地下,這麼摔。為煎,煎也是用火來煎他,好像鍋裡放上東西,我們烙餅,叫煎餅。為炙,炙就是在身上用火來燒,這叫炙。

六者思報。招引惡果。此思業交。則臨終時。先見惡風。吹壞國土。亡者神識。被吹上空。旋落乘 風。墮無間獄。

「六 者」:第六者就是「思報」。這思所造成的這個惡報,也是很厲害的。「招引惡果」:也很大的。「此思業交」:這個思業,和其他五種的交。「則臨終時,先見惡 風」:先看見這個惡風。「吹壞國土」:把這個國土都吹壞了。「亡者神識,被吹上空」:被這個風吹到虛空裡頭去。「旋落乘風」:旋,在空中旋轉,落下來,乘 風。「墮無間獄」:到這個無間地獄裡去。


這 也發明二種的相,這兩種的相。「一者」就是「不覺」:什麼也都不懂了,這個時候,迷迷糊糊的。迷迷糊糊的,就像一個癡愚到極點的一個人。「迷極則荒」:迷 到極點,他就慌張起來了;慌張起來,就「奔走不息」:各處亂跑,東跑西跑,各處跑,不休息。你說,總各處跑是不是很辛苦的呢?「二者不迷」:他不迷惑,就 是有知覺力,有一種知覺。「覺知則苦」:不迷可是不迷,就覺得一切都是苦的境界,所受的一切都是非常苦。「無量煎燒」:怎麼樣苦法呢?就是這火燒得特別厲 害。「痛深難忍」:再沒有那麼痛苦了。痛深,言其痛得非常地厲害。難忍,不能忍受。我們人身上發癢了,癢到極點了,覺得也忍不住,就用手去搔去。這是痛, 痛到極點了,你沒有法子去停止這個痛。所以這是非常痛苦的。

如是邪思。結思則能。為方為所。結見則能。為鑑為證。結聽則能。為大合石。為冰為霜。為土為 霧。結息則能。為大火車。火船火檻。結嘗則能。為大叫喚。為悔為泣。結觸則能。為大為小。為一日中。萬生萬死。為偃為仰。

「如是邪思」:像這種的邪思。邪思就是不正當的思,想的東西都想得想入非非,想的奇奇怪怪這些事情。「結思則 能」:這種邪思如果就是在他本身上,則能「為方為所」:一個地方,一個處所;這個地方、處所,也就都是來對他不好的,問他的罪的地方。


Two appearances are created. One is touch that involves coming together, in which mountains come together to squeeze the body until its flesh, bones, and blood are totally dispersed. The other is touch that involves separation, in which knives and swords attack the body, ripping the heart and liver to shreds.

Two appearances are created. What are the two appearances? One is coming together and the other is separating. What is the appearance of coming together like? One is touch that involves coming together, in which mountains come together. From all four sides, high mountains close in to squeeze the body until its flesh, bones, and blood are totally dispersed. The bones, blood, and flesh are pulverized. When the mountains crush the offender, he turns into a meat patty. He dies from that but then the clever wind blows and brings him back to life. Then he goes through being crushed again; dying and getting born again, dying and getting born again, over and over. That's what happens with touch that involves coming together. The other is touch that involves separation, in which knives and swords attack the body. Sharp weapons like knives and swords rip the heart and liver to shreds. The heart and liver are totally sliced to bits by the swords and knives. Those are the two appearances.

When this touching passes through the sensation of touch, it becomes colliding, striking, stabbing, and piercing. When it passes through the seeing, it becomes burning and scorching. When it passes through the hearing, it becomes questioning, investigating, court examinations, and interrogation. When it passes through the sense of smell, it becomes enclosures, bags, beating, and binding up. When it passes through the sense of taste, it becomes plowing, pinching, chopping, and severing. When it passes through the mind, it becomes falling, flying, frying, and broiling.

When this touching passes through the sensation of touch, it becomes colliding, striking, stabbing, and piercing. Originally the text has questioning, investigating, court examinations, and interrogation here, but those are more appropriate under the retribution for hearing. Striking, binding, stabbing, and piercing are more appropriate under the retribution for touching because they affect the body. Colliding refers to crashing together. Striking refers to beating. Stabbing is done with knives that tear into the body. Piercing is done by arrows. That is what happens as touching passes through touch. When it passes through the seeing, it becomes burning and scorching. When the object of touch pass through the seeing, it becomes burning and scorching that are associated with the Hell of Burning Coals and the like. When it passes through the hearing, it becomes questioning, investigating, court examinations, and interrogation. Questioning refers to being brought to the courts of hell. Investigating means being examined by officials before passing through the gates. Court examinations happen in the hells when judgment takes place. Interrogation is when you are cross-examined about the offenses you created. When it passes through the sense of smell, it becomes enclosures, bags. Enclosures trap you inside. Or you are put in a bag. Beating means you are clubbed or you undergo binding up. When it passes through the sense of taste, it becomes plowing, pinching, chopping, and severing. Plowing refers to having the tongue plowed. A hook is sunk into the tongue and then it is plowed by oxen. Or it is pinched by pinchers or it is chopped up or the tongue is completely severed in two. When it passes through the mind, it becomes falling, flying, frying, and broiling. When touch passes through the mind what hell does it turn into? It turns into the hell of falling where the victim is tossed into space and then allowed to fall down and smash to bits. Flying is the same process of being hurled into space and then allowed to fall and splatter on the ground. Frying is done over a fire. You are placed in a pan and fried just like a pancake. Broiling is when the body is burned by fire.

The sixth is the retribution of thinking, which beckons one and leads one to evil ends. The karma of thinking intermingles, and thus at the time of death one first sees a foul wind which devastates the land. The deceased one's spiritual consciousness is blown up into space, and then, spiraling downward, it rides that wind straight into the unintermittent hell.

The sixth is the retribution of thinking.  The evil retribution that thinking creates is terrible and it beckons one and leads one to evil ends. The effect is tremendous. The karma of thinking intermingles, and thus at the time of death one first sees a foul wind which devastates the land. The deceased one's spiritual consciousness is blown up into space. It is blown by the wind into space and then, spiraling downward, it rides that wind straight into the unintermittent hell.

Two appearances are created. One is extreme confusion, which causes it to be frantic and to race about ceaselessly. The other is not confusion, but rather an acute awareness which causes it to suffer from endless roasting and burning, the extreme pain of which is difficult to bear.

Two appearances are created. One is extreme confusion, which means a total lack of awareness, a total disorientation that leaves the soul utterly dumbfounded. This confusion causes it to be frantic and to race about ceaselessly. It desperately rushes here and there. You can imagine how stressful it must be. The other is not confusion. In this case, the soul possesses awareness, but it is an acute awareness which causes it to suffer. It is not confused, but the awareness causes it to feel pain and suffering in every aspect of its experience. The suffering comes from endless roasting and burning. The fire is fierce, the extreme pain of which is difficult to bear. There couldn't be anything more terrible than the pain inflicted by that fire. It is unbearable. When our body itches and we can no longer bear the itching we scratch it and the scratching causes pain. That unbearable pain can be likened to the pain described here.

When this deviant thought combines with thinking, it becomes locations and places. When it combines with seeing, it becomes inspection and testimonies. When it combines with hearing, it becomes huge crushing rocks, ice and frost, dirt and fog. When it combines with smelling, it becomes a great fiery car, a fiery boat, and a fiery jail. When it combines with tasting, it becomes loud calling, wailing, and regretful crying. When it combines with touch, it becomes sensations of large and small, where ten thousand births and ten thousand deaths are endured every day, and of lying with one's face to the ground.

When this deviant thought, improper thoughts that go off into fantasy and imagine all kinds of strange things, combines with thinking.  This describes how the retribution for thought is born in thought. It becomes locations and places. These locations and places are not to his advantage. These are places where he will be interrogated about his offenses.

To be continued


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