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Bodhi Mirror

Accumulating Merit for Transcending the World
-On the First Anniversary of Shramanera Guo Yi Shi's Passing

謝福來 編輯 祁慧生 英譯 Compiled by Fulai Hsieh English translation by Huisheng Qi

「莫待老來方學道,孤墳盡是少年人。」學佛後即以出家修行為人生目標之果義師,一九九七年四月以羸弱之軀,在 萬佛寶殿自我解嘲地說道:「我這麼年輕,才四十七歲,可算是短命報。」

出生在臺灣的果義師,於一九八○年在美國取得電機碩士學位後,事業一帆風順,高職厚薪,同事愛戴,家庭美滿。 他虛懷若谷,除了以身作則引導家人朋友學佛外,並經常行善布施,廣結善緣無數。

一九八七年皈依上人後,即心心向著上人,念念護持聖城。一九九六年他罹患肝癌時,尚不憚勞苦地忙著修理道場的 屋頂。在家時律己甚嚴,曾請示上人道:「師父!我為人太直,是否該磨得圓融些?」上人慈祥地回答說:「直心是道場,正直者是佛的使者。」公餘常陪同上人弘 法利生,或勘察新建道場之情況;屢蒙上人隨機開示,深受法益。

上人早讓他出家,但他塵緣未了,未能如願。他計劃退休後出家修行,可是人算不如天算,末期的肝癌反而讓他得以 早日剃度出家。一九九六年於本會國際譯經院落髮,前一天他對同修說:「以後各自修行,互不牽絆。」說罷即萬緣放下,一心念佛。

「是日已過,命亦隨減;如少水魚,斯有何樂。」餘日無多的果義師強忍劇痛,終日念佛不斷;深信必蒙上人及觀音 菩薩接引,花開見佛悟無生,再返娑婆度有情。一九九七年五月,在聖城大眾助念聲中含笑安詳往生。



“Don't wait until you are old to study the Way. The lonely graves are mostly those of young people.” After studying Buddhism, Guo Yi Shi's life goal was to leave the home life and cultivate. In April 1997, in weak physical condition, he said self-deprecatingly in the Hall of Ten Thousand Buddhas, “I'm so young—only 47. I guess it's my retribution to be short-lived.”

A native of Taiwan, Guo Yi Shi earned a Master's degree in electronic engineering in the United States in 1980. He had a successful career and a happy family, and was well-liked by his colleagues. He guided his family and friends to study Buddhism and practiced charity.

After taking refuge with the Master in 1987, he devoted himself to  the Master and supported the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. In 1996 he was diagnosed with liver cancer, yet he worked as hard as ever repairing the temple roof.

Guo Yi Shi was a very straightforward person. He once asked the Master, “Master, I think I am too blunt. Should I soften the edges a little?” The Master said, “The straight mind is the Way-place. Those who are truly straight can serve the Buddha.” In his time off, he often accompanied the Master to propagate the Dharma or look for new Way-places and received many teachings from the Master.

The Master encouraged him early on to leave home, but his ties with the mundane world were not over yet. He had planned to retire  early and leave home to cultivate. However, as fate would have it, his illness allowed him to fulfill his wish sooner. In 1996, the day before he left home, he told his wife, “In the future we shall each cultivate and not be held back by each other.”

Knowing his days were not long, he recited the Buddha's name all day long without pause. He had deep faith that the Venerable Master and Guanyin Bodhisattva would guide him to the Pure Land. In May 1997, he died smiling as the assembly recited the Buddha's name.

“Don't think that it is easy to leave the home life. It can only happen after one has planted Bodhi seeds for many lifetimes.” Without his sincere support of the Buddhadharma, how could things have worked out so well for him? As it is said:

When the fruit is full and merit perfect, Buddhahood is realized.
With principles understood, wisdom comes forth.
Passed from Master to Master, there is no other Dharma.
Vow after vow is made for rebirth in Amitabha's Pure Land.


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