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【 水鏡回天錄白話解 】

Reflections in Water and Mirrors Reversing the Tide of Destiny

The Importance of Faith

宣公上人講於金山寺 Lectured by the Venerable Master at Gold Mountain Monastery
國際譯經學院記錄 Translated by the International Translation Institute





「佛告飲水比丘」:這個飲水比丘以為這個同伴在路中死了,求佛來救度他這個同伴。這是很好的一種心,也是行菩薩道的一部份。那麼佛就告訴喝蟲水這個比丘,說「彼因謹守戒律」,你說在途中死亡那個比丘,他因為不肯犯戒,很謹慎地守持這個戒律。「信心堅固」,他對戒律信心很堅固。這個信,不但信戒律;你信佛堅固也是;信法堅固也是;信僧堅固也是。這都包括在信心堅固內,所以說信之重要。這個信必需要有信心 To believe you must have faith。這一位比丘,他信戒律。「至死亡相逼」,渴得要死了,他也不肯犯戒。「亦不違尸羅」,他不違背戒律,尸羅也就是戒律。「已承佛威神」,他已經承蒙佛的大威神力,佛的神通,把他救到我這來。「先汝而至見佛聞法」,你覺得他死了,他比你先到我這來了。見佛聞法,他也見到佛、聞到法了。「彼乃真信比丘也」,像這沒飲水這比丘,他才是真正地堅信戒律的一個比丘。


The companion replied, “This water contains bugs and the precepts do not permit drinking such water. I would rather die of thirst than violate the precepts in order to stay alive.” After this incident he died of thirst. When the Bhikshu who had drunk the water reached the place where the Buddha was residing, he bowed and said to the Buddha, “Your disciple was travelling in the company of another Bhikshu who perished of thirst on the road. I hope the Buddha will be compassionate and rescue him.”

The companion replied, “This water contains bugs.” He was in effect saying, “I won’t drink it.” The Buddha had said, “When I look at a bowl of water, I can see 84,000 bugs in it.” Although there were no microscopes or other such devices in those days, the Buddha could see the tiny bugs (germs) in the water. So the Buddha set up a precept that forbids Bhikshus from drinking water with bugs in it. Thus the other Bhikshu said, “The precepts do not permit drinking such water. I would rather die of thirst than violate the precepts in order to stay alive.”

After this incident he died of thirst. After his companion was done speaking, the first Bhikshu didn’t say anything else, but simply drank all the water himself. Because the weather was hot and dry and the second Bhikshu was so thirsty, he died. When the Bhikshu who had drunk the water reached the place where the Buddha was residing, he bowed and said to the Buddha, “Your disciple was travelling in the company of another Bhikshu who perished of thirst on the road. I hope the Buddha will be compassionate and rescue him.”

The Buddha said to the Bhikshu who had drunk the water, “Because he stringently maintained the precepts and was so firm in his faith that he would not violate the Shila even in the face of death, he received the awesome power of the Buddhas and arrived here before you. He has already seen the Buddha and heard the Dharma. He is a Bhikshu who has true faith.”

When the Bhikshu who had drunk the water with bugs in it asked the Buddha to save his companion, he was doing it out of a good heart and in the spirit of practicing the Bodhisattva Way. The Buddha said to the Bhikshu who had drunk the water, “Because he stringently maintained the precepts and was so firm in his faith... This refers not only to faith in the precepts, but to faith in the Buddha, faith in the Dharma, and faith in the Sangha. So this shows the importance of faith. To believe, you must have faith. This Bhikshu had such faith in the precepts that he would not violate the Shila--the precepts--even in the face of death, he received the awesome spiritual power of the Buddhas, which saved him and brought him here. You thought he died, but he arrived here before you. He has already seen the Buddha and heard the Dharma. He is a Bhikshu who has true and firm faith in the precepts.”

If you understand the precepts, then you can penetrate the entire Buddhadharma.
If you don’t understand the precepts, then you’re like a cloud floating in the sky— you lack foundation.


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